Dear Ally #4

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Hey, Ally.

We know each other, yeah, or at least I know you. We're not... "close," say, but we're on first name terms. That's enough, right?

I found this account today, read the letters that come before mine... and thought it best to contribute a letter to the pile. Cause you know. Piles. Letters. You can never have too many. And I think you need one.

Yeah, anyway. You've been down these past few days/weeks. I don't fully know why. But I hope that changes sometime soon: sad Ally is not good Ally. If Ally loses her sense of humour, the world is fucking going to shit.

So here's a letter. A letter to hopefully prevent the world from going to shit. A letter to brighten whatever darkness has settled over your world.

And a letter because I love you. You're really special to me, Ally. I'd be lying if I didn't say so. You're kinda perfect.

• Awesome sense of humour - just the right amount of dark sarcasm, aka a fucking lot of it.

• Incredible writing ability. As in really I shit you not legit fucking incredible. I still reread Darlings sometimes. I don't know why I do, but I do, and somehow it still makes me laugh and smile and cringe at all the right parts. You know what that's called? Incredible writing. (On a serious note, the only other writer who I reread the works of with alarming regularity is Mariam, and she's literally a goddess. Consider yourself in good company.

• You've called me a whore so many times that I now enjoy it. Sigh.

I'd go on with the list, but we'd be here forever. So yeah. I'll just end it here.

You're amazing, Ally, and don't you forget it.




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