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People always say...

Sticks and stones can break your bones

But words can never hurt you

Those same people must not know

Words are like stones

People throw them around

Usually with out a care

There sharp edges

Poke and protrude

The thick skin we try to form

They end life's don't you know

But said words are told to never hurt

But just the other day

Some girl cut to deep

Bleeding out

For the world to see

Her pain marked on her skin

Oozing in her blood

Staining everything  in its path

This simple

Naive little girl

Another victim

To the world's cruel words

But they were never meant to hurt her

That's what we all like to think

These words

Filled with hate and cruelty

Taking down teen after teen

Falling under the pressure

Of said society

Where bullying is like a religion

They prey on anyone who's assumed to be weak

The nerd

The short kid

The fat one

The freaks

The geeks

But when will this stop

When will everyone

Get fed up with the story's

Hearing how another life's gone

Never really living

A seven year old took their own life

Hung there selfs

Because no one stood in there corner

No one listened to there cries

Another young boy pulled the trigger

Couldn't take the beatings he received everyday

Not just at school but home to

The teachers claimed to never see it

But everyone heard

Never standing up for the lost souls

The stories go on forever

Never the same

Besides the endings

All ending in a loss

Another kid who couldn't take this cruel society

Where if your not this or that

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