WHY!? ( demon romance )

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hi I'm everyoneilove! I want to write a story people will like and read for that matter. lol. so enjoy!!!!!!


Chapter 1

Hope's POV

I just got off of work and I was exhausted. My boss is a is a married man that is having an affair with a 17 year old girl named Samantha. He's 36 and a dick and he grabs my ass when I'm stocking the things on the shelf.

I locked up the store and started to walk home. I heard a snap like a twig. I turned and saw none.

"HELLO!?!?!??!" I yell to see if I anyone comes out. None came out so I started to walk again. I then head foot steps. I turned to see a man crying. I walk over to him. " Sir, are you OK?" I ask looking at him. His head was hanging down I put my hand under his chin and pulls up his face. He was crying black. I paid no attention to it. He had the most prettiest eyes, they were a baby blue. He had black hair that was a skater hairdo. His lips where prefect. I wiped his tears away with my fingers.

"Aren't you scared?" he said confused.

"No why would I?" I asked with a smile.

"Because I'm a ugly demon!" he yelled.

All I did was smile. I giggled when he say said he was ugly.

"Your not ugly. Come with me. Do u have some where to go?" I asked and smiled.

"Why are you being nice to me?" he asked like none has never been nice to him before.

"Because you seem nice. I'm not going to walk up to someone and be a bitch. Wait I take that back if someone its being I a dick." I looked at him and smiled.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. I felt my cheeks get hot. He smiled. I put my hand on my cheek.

"Um... what's your name?" I asked him a

with a smiled.

"oh...um...i-i don't have one." he said like he was asked to get in your knees and say marry me.

"So what do people call you?" I said surprised.

"Well I was call boy or man." he said.

"Well come to my house and we will talk." I said. He nodded. We stated to walk and I felt his arms wrapped around me. Then my feet where off the ground. I turned my head and looked at him.

"What's going on?" I said.

"Where flying." he said smiling. I held on to his arms tight. Finally we got to my house. I unlocked the door and opened the door.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as he looked at the door and poked it. I looked at him and I giggled to myself.

"Are to OK?" I said walking over to him.

"What is this thing?" he asked.

"Its a door." I said giggling.

He walked over to me and held my hands and the pined me up to the wall. I looked at him and he smiled. He starts to kiss my neck. I start to bite my lip and giggles.

He puts my arms around his neck and picks me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"What you humans call 'sex'. If you want to?" he said.

"I don't no may-" I said he cut off.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked. I looked at him and giggle.

"Blue why?" I asked smiling.

"Thats my name know." he smiles.

"Sexy." I giggle. I look at him and his lips on pressed against mind. I open my eyes and smile.

We lay on the couch and fall fast asleep.


hey guys. I hope you guys liked it.

so if u did comment and vote. bye!!!!!!

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