Month 8: It's Time.

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It was a chilly night in March when Haru called me. I got a job to help pay for the baby when I found out Haru was pregnant and I worked evenings.


“...” I only heard heavy breathing on the other line. Being a worrywart, I immediately assumed the worst and, for the first time I was right to worry.

“Haru, are you okay?”

"Makoto.. I feel sick..."

Oh god no, no please? I begged in my head. My grip around the phone tightened.

"Is it the normal upset stomach?"

".... No."

"Just stay put, I'll be home in a bit."


I hung up and was surprised that phone didn't break under my grasp. Haru, please be alright.

"Ubi, I have to go."

My boss shot me a worried look.

"It's Haru..."

"Go then I'll cover for you."


When I arrived home, Haru's condition was worse than I initially expected. He was on the floor with vomit all around and on him.

"I'm dizzy..."

I took off my work shirt and cleaned the vomit off his body of which, was also in a cold sweat.

"Does anywhere hurt Haru?"

He nodded and held the upper part of his abdomen. Oh god. No, no, no, no, no, no. At first I thought he was having a miscarriage. My mind flew to a billion different possibilities, none of them good.

"We need to get to the hospital."

I tried to soothe him but the panic in my voice was very evident. I picked him up in my arms and brought him close to my chest. I am afraid if a lot of things but that, that was the most I'd been scared in my entire life. I kept on thinking over and over that I was going to lose two of the most precious people in my life and I hadn't even met one of them yet. I laid him down in my backseat and rushed as fast as I could to the nearest hospital.


When we arrived at the emergency room everyone swarmed us. A nurse that looked to be in her late thirties rushed to our aid.

"Is he okay?"

"We need Doctor Honda."

I said firmly.

"She already left but I'll call her right now. Saiyuri, Mei get him on a table and check everything, especially his blood pressure."

They motioned me to follow them into a room where a general hospital bed laid. I gently placed him down and slid a pillow under his head. While the other nurses checked on Haru, I held his sweaty hand in mine.

"You're going to be okay Haru."

By this time he was unconscious. I knew a lot of things were wrong but he looked like he was sleeping peacefully. The main nurse returned.

"She'll be here anytime but, I have an idea on what's wrong with him."


"Well, did he mention any pain?"

"He did, his abdomen."

"Dizziness? I can already smell that he was vomiting."

"Yes he said he was dizzy."

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