Chapter 2- "Proditio"

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Atlantic Ocean

February 24th, 1208 AD

I awoke-... comfortably in a bed, the sound of the sea was still around me as I clutched the hems of the blanket. My breaths would be rapid slowly calming down, I glance around, my head would be bandaged heavily. I climbed out of the bed looking at the wooden walls. My stomach grumbled as I placed my cold hands on my stomach. I had the sudden urge to scratch my neck and I did so with my unwashed long nails before rubbing it with the palm of my hand. I sighed and rose up stumbling towards the door budging it open to be greeted by the roars of men as they look at my leave. Otto would be atop of me chuckling before saying. "Welcome to the Jerusalem, our damaged yet finest ship!" I simply give him an inattentive chuckle as my eyes would dart at the twelve men who seemed to be aboard our ship.

I quickly tilt my head directing him to the private quarters, and he chuckles before yelling at one of the men to take the wheel. I would open the door for him, as Otto would enter inside, he'd take a seat by one of the round tables placing his feet up onto the chair. His blonde hair was moderately long at the moment and would dangle down to his neck. He chuckles and wraps his arm comfortably as he leans back. The room was dark and dimly lit, the sun's rays would pour in like the lava from a volcano. I sit there politely with my feet together and my hands laying in between and I look at him with my lips curled as I open my mouth taking a breath. But I am caught off by the accent of Otto as he speaks eagerly.

"I believe we are almost there... The beautiful canaries... Never been there, myself. Heard of it like a paradise. Rocky cliffs, trees in the shape of umbrellas, and wonderful unique natural foods."

I look at him intrigued by his description. I place a hand on the table clenching my fist, not out of anger but merely as a tick as I speak to him.

"Have you ever..sailed a ship before?" I asked with a hint of doubt in my voice. He sighs and responds in a depressed fashion. "No...but I remember how the sails worked..we have a sailor amongst us-" I cut him off.

"Aye, ye' about that, who are they?"

Otto chuckles, "Those are Templars like you and I. Butcher said that if we needed to escape to go to key locations in Nantes that many other of our brothers were hiding out in. They follow no leader, as we all seek to live in a peaceful utopia in which we can settle ourselves as an independent organization from the Catholic church." I nod respectfully as I lean back on the chair, disrupting my posture. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask. Otto bobs his head a few times in a temporary thought.

"I'd say a miniature coma of about two days, then again you woke up in between but you seemed ill. The men were happy to hear you were awake." I would smile with pride as I glance at the door leading to the deck, then I looked back at him. "When we arrive there is bound to be conflict between us, who will lead?"

I ask rushing the question. "I'd nominate you, or we can establish a form of government once we arrive. As of now, we have a similar goal, get to safety. I'm sure the French Government wouldn't be too happy to hear that a band of almost fifty men and women escaped to an island off the coast of Africa." I nod and rose up from my chair giving him a nod.

"Next time I see one I'll make sure to place one between the eyes." I chuckle before walking towards the door to the deck and stopping as I breath in the smell of the salt water filling my lungs.

Everywhere I looked there was an endless blanket of blue, and the horizon seemed to lead to nowhere. It was as if we were lost at sea, but we knew where we were headed and that the future of our combination of people lies between our hands. I smiled..not out of pity, or happiness, I simply smiled, the thought that we are the start of something greater than ourselves.

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