Part 7: To live or die

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Warning!: This story contains spoilers for season 2 of Dirk Gently. I suggest that you watch it before reading this story or you won't understand what I'm getting at!

Your eyes shot open after lying on the ground for a few minutes. "Dirk?" You called and you felt a hand on yours. "We need to find the boy." He stated and stood up but then stared at a cute dog sitting on the ground. "What are you doing here?? You know what? Never mind." He said and pulled you along. You patted the dog before walking out the door to be instantly met with gunfire. Dirk ducked down and covered his head. "This way!" You yell and drag him, knowing exactly which way to go. You are the Holistic guide. It was funny to think that you were supposed to find people. Instead you were supposed to guide them. As Dirk ran ahead of you he crashed into Lt. Assistent. The lieutenant grabbed his gun and held it up at Dirk. "Oh come on Lieutenant. Put the gun down!" You yelled while Dirk frantically answered a constant flow of questions. Assistent was suddenly hit in the head with a bullet and Dirk dragged him over to the side of the crossfire. Your eyes were closed for a few seconds as you checked on Hugo's status. The universe needs him alive and your job was to get him there safely. Assistent was now leading Dirk through the hallways before Dirk stopped and told him to open the door. You grabbed the lieutenants arm. "Open the damn door!" You yell and he opens it quickly only to be stood at gun point. Mona sat in the middle of the room and was overly excited to see Dirk. "You came to rescue me!" She yelled then turned into a cannon. All the others but you ducked as the cannon or Mona blew a shot through the room. It was a relieving surprise to find that you were not injured one bit. Your ears ran continuously before you began to melt into the ground. "What the heck?" You questioned as Dirk ran over and tried to pull you back up. "Just leave me Dirk. The universe requires me somewhere else. I'll see you soon." You said and kissed him before allowing the universe to pull you through the milky blackness. You resurfaced in another part of Blackwing only to be met in the face by a pistol. "Oh Tracker! Sorry! Where have you been? Everything around here is so confusing without someone to help me!" He yelled and lowered the pitol to his side. "I've been places." You said before hearing someone outside the door and grabbing Hugo, pulling him behind a small desk. Dirk and Mona walked into the room and looked around. Mona walked toward Project Molochs bed and stared in awe. "Wow." She said and smiled with Dirk but before they could do anything more, Hugo jumped up and held his pistol to Dirks head. You stood up and moved toward Project Moloch, interested to the extent that everything going on around you was blocked out. Hugo now sat on the ground, pointing the gun to his own head while Dirk explained a few things. You walked over and gently pulled the gun away from his head. Hugo stood up and pointed it at Dirk. "Now I get it. You're the problem, not me." He growled and Dirk shook before you stepped in front of Dirk and faced toward the gun, ready to be shot in the head. Hugo hesitated but continued to point the gun at you. Mona stepped forward slowly and reached her hand out. "What is more important Mr. Friedkin? Being in charge...or doing the right thing." She questioned and Hugo shook his head slightly. "Is that a trick question?" He asked and you felt Dirk pull you aside slightly to look over your shoulder. "No!" He said quickly and Hugo hesitated for a few more seconds before putting the gun down. "Ok. I'll help you." He said quietly and you turned around to face Dirk. "Always getting into sticky situations, huh?" You asked and he nodded before giving you a tight hug. "I love you." He whispered and you smiled happily. "I love you as well." He pulled away from you and looked into your eyes with confusion. "You love me? Why?" He asked and you shrugged. "You are special Dirk." You replied and moved past him to grab your AR-15. "Let's go people!" You yell and Dirk pushed Project Moloch's bed through the door. Mona was currently a Barrel gun that Hugo held. "So. You and Dirk huh?" He questioned with a small smile and you nodded. "Yea." It took a few more minutes until we reached utter chaos. Kellum night's ran toward our group and you began firing your gun. Hugo fired down the hall until all the knights were gone. "Clear!" He yelled and Dirk pushed Project Moloch through the doorway. More people were coming this way and Hugo went to fire at them but his gun reformed into Mona. "Come on. No time for fighting!" She yelled and the both of you rushed after her. When you had caught up to Dirk, Hugo took Project Molochs bed from him and pushed it through the hallways. You kept your gun trained on the area behind them to make sure that no one would sneak up on the group. The group moved into the Rowdy 3's chamber and stopped to get the boy before realizing that the portal was gone. "Shit!" You yelled and threw your gun down. "What is going on? Where is the portal." Hugo frantically asked and Dirk shook his head. "It's suppossed to be right here, unless...oh no! Something must have happened to Amanda and Todd." Dirk yelled and Mona looked at you sadly. "They will be fi..." you were interrupted by a double blade slicing through your chest. "Not again. Not now." You whispered and you fell over as Hugo met the same fate. You watched carefully as the man who had stabbed you stepped over your body. "Dirk Gently dies and the prophecy is over." He said and raised the scissor sword to kill Dirk but he fell to the ground, having been shot. Ken stood behind him with a gun and you smiled then slowly shook your head. Dirk kneeled next to you and his eyes filled with tears. "Please don't leave me!" He said and you opened your mandelbrot eyes fully. "I'm not dead yet!" You said and slowly stood up, grabbing your gun and going over to help Hugo. Ken shot you in the shoulder and you fell backwards. "Hey! What do you think your doing? Project Alpha?" You questioned with annoyance. He shook his head and pointed the gun at you again. "Who are you?" He asked questioningly for the fact that you knew his Project name. "Project Ichnaea, the Holistic Tracker. (F/N) (L/N)." You said calmly and he nodded and then pointed the gun at Dirk. When Dirk didn't do what he wanted, Ken shot him in the leg. Dirk crumpled to the ground, a look of pain evident on his face. "What are you doing?!" You yelled and he pointed the gun at you. He pulled the trigger and shot you again through your stomach. You looked down in shock and blood began to flood out of your mouth and eyes. Hugo pointed the gun at Ken when he tried to stop Dirk from entering the portal. Put that down, idiot." Ken said and pointed the gun back at Dirk. "Shoot them and I shoot you." Hugo slowly said as his energy was slowly being drawn from his body. You stayed quiet and wrote a quick note for Dirk, knowing that you would not be able to make it through the portal and to Wendimoor. The note read:
"Dear Dirk, my bestesT friend - 
HEy Dirk. I love yoU. Please doN't forget that! I'm not sure if I will surVive or if wE will Re-meet again but all hopeS that wE WILL. In the meantime, solveD casEs and if you Can, Is to try to stay as unDercover as possible. Don't want you back in Blackwing. LOVE you!
- (Y/N)
((Secret Message...figure it out...doesn't really mean anything though so. Just look at the capital letters.))

Ken shook his head a few times and then put his gun down, watching as Dirk jumped through the portal with Mona and Project Moloch. You and Hugo sat on the edge of the portal. After a few seconds you threw your note that you had written to Dirk in the portal, hoping that he got it. You let yourself fall into the portal after it as Ken pushed Hugo in. 'Can't stay awake anymore' you thought as the universe's comforting darkness enveloped you.

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((A/N) LATEST UPDATE EVER! I am so sorry readers but I hope you enjoy this chapter. I get hella busy sometimes so sorry again. I will be out with a new chapter soon...luv ya! Don't forget to try bring season three back!

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