thoughts and trailing

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thoughts are always an endless trail of ... well thoughts. I don't know how to explain this but my brain seems to have a mind on its own. hehe, brain... mind of its own. okay I'm not funny but that went completely on impulse. and I can't believe I'm actually thinking this and writing it down so you guys can all get a peak into my screwed up not normally working stupid mind. and I just wrote looking instead of working but I changed it back. and now I'm actually wondering if a brain really looks like a weird pinkish looking probably chewed gum feeling mass. I would like to feel it one time. .. okay maybe not I t hink it'll be gross but , and I'm at a loss for thoughts again damn it. Why can't my brain function, I don't know, normally? oh! I know that answer. because I'm not fucking normal maybe that explains it. And I'm currently drawing my words on this because I just found out i can do that and I'm probably behaving like a child right now, lol. Oh, I'm not actually laughing out loud just so you know. hehe ... spey. i mean Shottery. No! s o r r y . There i fucking spelt it out for you stupid tablet, happy now huh? ! Sorry. ..

P.s: I'm still drawing the words on ☺ :D

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