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Okay, we all know that meat is made out of certain animals and that animals are born. humans are born too, but we are born in hospitals. not always but mostly nonetheless. and a hospital has windows and windows are made of glass. you can make a diamond or something out of glass and those things are sure as hell pricey. and pricey makes me think of rich people and rich people have awesome houses and those awesome houses have a pool most of the time. and a hell of a sweet ride, mostly cars but motorcycles as well. and now I'm actually wondering if it's possible for me to get a motorcycle licence without causing a huge ass crash. yeah... that's how I roll when I'm cycling to fucking and useless school and I'm only 14 turning 15 in October and oh my god I'm thinking to myself. wait, is that even possible? and how did I get from the word 'meat' into a damn crash?

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