Closer to the end.

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After I had dressed myself I headed out into the living area where Harry was sitting in front of the television.

“Hey.” I greeted him, sitting beside him as I dangled my legs across his.

“You okay?” he asked me suspiciously.

“I’m fine, why?” I asked him innocently.

“Liam did tell you who was here right?” he asked me just to make sure.

“Was it Santa?” I asked cheekily, giving him the big puppy dog eyes.

“No, guess again.” I knew I’d annoyed him but I did crack a slight smile on his face.

“That really hot guy from One Direction, you may have seen him before he has this curly mop of hair and these greenish eyes, not really my type but I hear he’s a good lad.” I joked before sighing and becoming serious. “What did he say?” I asked him not really wanting to know the answer.

“We talked about the tour, he said he wanted to move on from the past. He was just about to go and see you but he didn’t make it past my door before changing his mind.” He confessed staring at me.

“All this time you kept saying he’ll come back, well he came back and he still didn’t want me.” I started to cry, my whole body shook as the hysteria took over me. There was nothing I could do to bring him back I’d ruined my life once and for all just from one stupid kiss!

“Don’t be like that please.” He grabbed hold of my hand but I had to pull it away from him, the way he touched me just felt so wrong. How dare he touch me after all that has happened.

“I can’t deal with this anymore.” I blubbered through my tears he looked shocked and utterly disturbed by everything.

“Why do you love me Harry? Why can’t you love someone else?” I asked him, I knew it was a horrible position to put him through but I just had to know the answer.

“Jay, just calm down.” He replied calmly.

“No, answer me Harry. If you didn’t love me I might have had a marriage that lasted more than a week.” I snapped the tears began to sting my eyes.

“Hey you kissed me back.” He cried, his face screwed up as the anger started to race inside of him.

“He’s gone Harry, he’s gone and he’s never coming back.” And with that I fell to the floor in a pool of my own tears. I couldn’t stand up I felt too weak to even move. I officially hated myself, and I knew Harry felt just as bad.


“I love you.” I whispered into the phone. It was only his voicemail but I knew eventually Louis would hear those three words. It was a gamble –he’d either, feel the same way and call me back, or he’d erase the message without a second thought.

“Jay.” Harry called over to me. The two of us had fallen asleep on the couch after our crazy crying session the night before.

“Yeah?” I asked him, feeling the pain of my puffy eyes.

“He loves you more.” He whispered before drifting back into a lazy state of ‘I want to go back to sleep’

“Not anymore.” I convinced myself as I got up to prepare myself for work. It was the last day of the show, and it wasn’t a day i could afford to miss. This was the final episode of the final season and I needed to be there on set ready to shoot the very last scene. Lila and I were quite sad to see the end of our show but I knew it was for the best.

When I walked over to Lila’s trailer the first thing I did was give her a giant hug.

“Aww Jay, you silly goose.” She teased wrapping her arms around my delicate frame.

“I have no one left but you Lils.” I said to her as I held back the tears.

“Nonsense.” She scoffed.

“It’s true. He hates me and I’m destined to be forever alone.” I complained as she let me go.

“As if have you seen yourself in a mirror? If Lou doesn’t take you back I’m sure one day there will be 100’s of men willing to replace him. If all else fails there’s still Harry.” She joked trying to lighten the mood in a similar way that Louis usually did.

The call for us to be on set came through and we headed out to play our characters for the very last time ever.


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