Chapter 5

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Castiel POV

Six years old...

"Come on Gabriel, you need to quiet down." I whispered into the small ear of my baby brother.

"Cas we need to move now. Their coming." The fear leaking into Lucifer's voice scared me even more. Nothing scares my big brother.

Shushing Gabriel, he finally fell asleep in my arms as Lucifer grabbed our meager things leading the way into the dark night.

Fourteen years old...

"Gabriel! Come back here! It's not safe!" My voice raising as the fear in my chest raised as well. When I first noticed Gabriel was gone, fear chocked me, that maybe Naomi had found us. Had killed him. At fourteen I had been trained to fight and kill for my brothers. I've trained Gabriel to be able to defend himself.

Grabbing his shoulder, he spun, falling into the defensive stance I taught him. That I learnt from Lucifer. Smiling fondly at him I said in a softer voice my fear disappearing some "At least you are on your guard. Come, we must be back home before dark."  Smiling a little bigger when he grabbed my hand. Knowing that if Lucifer had returned home while we were out he would be freaking out.

Nineteen years old...

When Gabe collapsed into the man's arms my heart stopped. I fought harder to get to him. Fear that he was dead chocked me.  Looking over to Lucifer freezing at the look he gave me. Confused I looked for an explanation. Missing the words said by the man holding my older brother as my heart beats drowned everything else out.

The arms holding me vanished I instantly ran towards my little trickster grabbing him from the man that had him. Checking him over I found that he was only sleeping.

"What did you do to him?" The anger and fear in Lucifer's voice brought me back to reality. Looking over my shoulder I saw him pinning Sam. Looking over to me his voice portrayed the little control he had on his anger. How close he was to killing the boy for even thinking of hurting our brother. "Is he alright Cas?"

"Yes, Luci, he is fine just asleep." my words gave him control over the anger.

"Cas? Luci? What kind of names are they?" The one that had held Gabriel said. His bright green eyes flaring with anger when he looked at my brother. My heart skipped a beat in a good way. Looking at him I felt whole. "And do you mind letting him go?" The protectiveness in his voice was the same as mine when I was worried about Gabe.

The rest of the conversation was lost to me as I stared at the man in front of me. I could just begin to see the freckles on his face in the light given by the dawn. Lucifer hand on my shoulder brought me back once more.  "Come on Cassie. We're heading out with them. You carrying him?" The question was rhetorical as out of the two of us he was the better fighter if we were to be attacked.

AN- Thanks for reading this.  Sorry for the short chapter and any mistakes made. Please vote and comment.

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