"youre fine-"

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3rd person Omnipotent
Blaine was walking down the stairs looking through his phone before bumping into a boy near the entrance. He looked up at him and smirked laughing nervously. He never saw this boy before.

Kurt was so excited about being in the new academy he forgot to look where he was going, and instead looked at basically everything else.

At some point, someone bumped into him, he was ready to go all out on him when: ..he looked at him.
Kurt's blue eyes locked with his golden hazel like ones. Kurt felt himself blush as he averted his sight away from his.

"I-I'm so sorry I should watch where I'm going. You seem to be okay though. No need for exchange of insurances?" Blaine smiled softly.

"Y-youre fine." Kurt stuttered "I-i mean its fine, youre not fine.. I mean youre fine! But.." Kurt sighed, giving up, he face palmed 'real smooth' he thought, pinching the bridge of his nose. Then took a deep breath and looked up at what had to be the most handsome guy he's seen face to face.

"Are you lost? You seem new." Blaine looked at the boy up and down, he was actually pretty cute.

"Yeah actually.. I'm a bit lost.." He lied, but if it meant the one standing before him would help, he'd jump into an active volcano. "And yeah, I'm new. I moved in from McKinley" Kurt said, smiling again as his dimples dig into his pink cheeks He smiled at him and chuckled softly.

"McKinley huh? Public School right?" He took a moment, "Well, Welcome to Dalton," He smiled up at Kurt.

"Blaine c'mom hurry up! We're gonna be late for class!" Blaine heard his friend Wes call out.

"Do you have your schedule? I can probably help you." He took a glance at his friends and sort of waved them off. He took a glance back to Kurt.

Kurt stared at the kind boy. Then started to take out his schedule, stopping once he saw as he waved his friends off "o-oh no! You can go with your friends. Its OK, I'll get someone else to help" Kurt said, feeling guilty as he technically was just lying for attention.
'Blaine huh..?'

"But  to answer your question. Yeah.. Its a public school.." Kurt frowned at the thought of not only leaving his friends behind, but all the bullying and such.

Blaine laughed at Kurt shaking his head and holding his hand out for Kurt's schedule.

"I'd rather much listen to you talk about your old school than them talk about where they're going with their girlfriends this weekend." Blaine smiled at Kurt.

"Girlfriends?? So not everyone here is gay..? Huh.." Kurt asked, he knew it was a stereotype. But due to the amount of times he told himself.. he started to believe it.

Blaine shook his head, laughing a bit

Kurt looked at Blaine, confused as to why he was laughing as he handed him his schedule.

looking at his first few classes,  Blaine noted that they had a couple of classes together. He looked for his dorm number but.. didn't see it.

"I guess they didn't assign you a dorm yet, you'll have to see the Headmaster about that. But lucky for you, we have the same English class," He smirked at Kurt, "C'mon."

Once Blaine answered, Kurt couldn't help but smile when Blaine gave him directions, Kurt basically did a back flip (not literally ) when he said they had English together. Kurt felt himself melt at Blaine's smirk. 'mama's been single for way to long' he thought.

"It must suck to leave friends behind," Blaine noted, "I have heard of their Glee Club, New Directions I think. I think either Sectionals or Regionals we'll be going against them.

Kurt nodded as he mentioned kurt's friends. But his eyes widened and his heart basically stopped as he said he would be going against them "I'm sorry what?!" He said, loudly might I add. Causing a few eyes to turn their way, and some people to whisper. "Were going against McKinley?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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