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"You were so right!" Marcus says to me with a beaming smile, "That milkshake was amazing. Top 10 I've ever had in my life. I need to take some of my teammates here before we leave!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I laughed.

"Thank you for taking me here and spending time with me," he says genuinely, "Anywhere else in Chicago I need to hit today to be an official tourist?"

"It depends," I tell him, "where have you been so far?"

"I just got here last night, so literally nowhere."

"You haven't been to Millennium Park then?" I ask, "It's my favorite place closely behind Soldier Field."

"Then lead the way. I must see this close second to the place that made you cry," He teases me.

"Well it's about a 30 minute walk, we could take the 'L', or," I trail off.

"Or what?" He asks. I simply point to the bike rack behind him. "You don't really want to bike there do you?"

"Hey, you're the one that said you want the true city experience. Renting one of those would make you a fulfilled tourist."

Without him giving me a definitive 'yes', I rent 2 bikes with my credit card. I then wheel one over to him.

"Now are you coming or not?" I cheekily grin at him, as I take off. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"Now that's not fair! I don't even know where we're going!" he shouts as he takes off behind me. It doesn't take him long to catch up, "Can we at least take it slow so I can look around?"

"Of course," I grin at him, mostly because I know he's an athlete and I'd be unable to actually race him there without needing to throw up.

We leisurely ride around, and I take some detours to guide him past some unique buildings and street art that I remembered from when I was a kid. When I see the Bean in the distance, I know we've made it. We plug our bikes back into one of the rental stations, and head into the park.

The first thing we pass is the Crown Fountain, and Marcus doesn't quite understand what it is. "Why do they just have two big blocks facing each other?"

"Just wait," I tell him. Almost as if on queue, 2 faces pop up on the screens of the stone structures. I've been intrigued with the fountain since it was built in '04. I always loved seeing the diverse people that popped up on the screens smiling at me.

It doesn't take Marcus long to run and splash into the shallow pool between the structures with a bunch of the little kids in the park. "Peyton, look at me!" He yells as he copies one of the faces behind him. He looks ridiculous, but I find it cute at the same time.

"I wouldn't stand that close if I were you!" I yell back, warning him.

"Why?" he asks, but it's too late. With impeccable timing, the faces makes the blowing face, and a stream of water shoots from it's mouth down onto Marcus. I expected him to jump out, but he just jumped around in it and had fun. "Come on! Join me!" he yelled over to me. I just shook my head and stayed where I was safe from the water. Marcus, however, ran up to me, picked me up, and dragged me over to the fountain, ignoring my pleads to stop. I then feel the cool water from the spout rushing over my head. "Now we're both tourists."

"We probably look ridiculous," I tell him.

"At least we look ridiculous together," He smiles down at me, giving me a small hug as the water stops. I've never loved looking like a fool more in my entire life.

Greyhound [Marcus Rashford]Where stories live. Discover now