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Susan really, really, really, really liked her new temporary home in Virginia. And Emma really, really, really didn't like how Susie kept poking things and almost breaking the whole house.

"Don't touch that."

"But it's pretty."

"It won't be so pretty when it's broken on the ground and your arm starts bleeding."

"Pfft. You don't scare me."

"Okay, this settles it. I will never get kids, like ever in my life. I'm better off with a dog."

Y/n chuckled as she watched Susan and Emma get into all sorts of shenanigans. She'd watch them chase each other around the place, yelling things at each other. She'd catch Emma trying to hit Susie with a feather duster. She'd seen Susan chasing Emma with said feather duster. Ah, budding friendship.

She wrote to both Philip and John, apologizing to both men and saying that she wanted to speak with both. John needed to know what happened to Mary, and Philip needed to know what happened to Maria.

For some odd reason, John and Philip haven't responded. John was, as said before, ignoring her. (Eunice wrote a letter saying John has done nothing but whine about how much he misses being friends with Y/n, but he never bothered writing anything.)

As for Child Hamilton, well, Y/n didn't even know if he received her letters. Who knows? Maybe Alexander used her letters as scratch papers for for drawing some quality PhilipDying™ art.

She was worried for him of course. Wait, why was she worried about Philip? Psh. He could die for all Y/n cared or... get attacked by pidgeons.

Maybe Philip knew about Maria Reynolds' death and... is sad about it? Or maybe he's copying Johnny boy and ignoring Y/n.

Y/n's train of thought was cut off when Emma and Susan both fell on the floor. Susan was gonna break something and Emma tackled her before she could.

"You stopped me from breaking that thingy!" Susie exclaimed, sitting on the ground and giving poor Em her signature pout.

"Uhm, you're welcome." Emma replied, huffing and crossing her arms.

Y/n giggled. It was nice having more people around the house... besides slaves... and guests... and James Madison.

It reminded Y/n of back when she had a complete family. Back when Mom was alive, back when the biggest thing she needed to worry about was John being taller than her, back when Monte Cello was a happy place filled with joy and tender loving.

She sighed at the memory. And before she could even stop herself, she relived all the joyful memories she had with her complete family.


"Mom, look!" Y/n said, smiling down at the blanket bundled baby. "Mary is smiling!"

Martha chuckled. "Yes, ny darlin' Y/n." She said.

Y/n was two, turning three, and Mary was only a handful of months old. Y/n adored her baby sister and loved her with all her heart.

Martha Jefferon looked mcuh like Y/n. Same tough look, same loving personality, and the same smile.

Y/n shared Martha's smile and brain. She was a clever little girl, always curious about how thing worked in life. She would ask questions like "why is the sky blue?", "can trees sleep?", "is it possible that someone will be reading our coversation 200 years from now?". Baby talk like that.

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