Visitor - A Short Story by @jinnis

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By jinnis

Matthew discovers it first. He runs into camp in a spurt of childish energy, thin arms windmilling in the hot air. Roxy looks up from her task, eyes burning with dust.

"Slow, Matt, mind your cough. What is it?"

The younger boy pants, doubling over beside the fireplace.

"A ship ... incoming ...!"

Roxy stands up, her movements too weary for a twelve-year-old. Then a wave of excitement surges through her. Matt is right, a ship hovers over the landing pad, swirls up the omnipresent, grey dust.


The stranger climbs the hill slowly, stopping from time to time to check a readout on an instrument. Roxy watches, torn by the desire to rush down to greet the visitor and her duty to protect the little ones.

Her fatigue decides for her. She already climbed the hill twice today to fetch their daily water supply. Roxy has no energy to spare.

Ben, the youngest, clings to her while the stranger approaches. Matt hops from one foot to the other, defying his weakness. Sally is quiet, watching things come while sucking her thumb.

Suddenly, the stranger stops, half-way up the slope, lifts the head and focuses on their small group. Roxy shivers despite the heat.


The man takes in their shabby camp and derelict clothes through squinted eyes, half-hidden by his visor. He sets his pack down with a heavy thump. At his belt, Roxy recognises a scanner and other strange tools. A raider, she guesses. She has heard of them—nothing good. The man's gaze finds her eyes. He knows she knows. But where's the point of frightening the children? Roxy shrugs.

"Welcome to Esperance."

"Thanks. Didn't count on finding someone alive. I hear communication broke months ago."

Roxy has no answer. At least none she wants to share.

The explosion killed her parents, most of the settlers, and took out communication. It's a wonder the provisional school shack survived—and in the shack, the children.

The remaining adults died soon. So did the babies and the teens. Probably the poison gas in the atmosphere. Only those between five and twelve made it. Mister Shelmon, her teacher and the last adult to cough himself to death, speculated they adapted better. Still in growth, more flexible lung tissue, he guessed. Most died anyway, one by one.

Only four left, now, and Matt's cough gets worse. Besides, their provisions run out. Roxy knows they need help, but after all the disappointments, she doesn't dare believe the visitor brings it.

He crosses his arms, an awkward gesture in the bulky suit

"You're alone?"

Roxy nods.

"Explosion in the mine killed them. The gas is poisonous. Can you bring us away?"

The man glances over his shoulder at the ship reflecting the reddish light of the low hanging sun. It's a small craft. The stranger probably came to scavenge for valuables in the abandoned colony. He shakes his head.

"Sorry, kid. My ship is a single seater."

"Will you send someone?"

Roxy's voice doesn't shake. She learnt to hide her emotions. The stranger fixes his gaze on her.

"I'll tell them to send a ship. It will take a while though."

"We can wait. We're good at it."

Roxy sees the gleam of hope in Matt's eyes. She smiles. They can hold out a little longer. Somehow. The stranger nods.

"Yes, I see. Well, I better leave. The quicker I reach Sagittarius, the faster a rescue ship can reach you."

Sagittarius, the luck hunters' paradise. Roxy's dad told her about the station. Not a place he'd approved off. Then, the coin drops. For a small craft, it's a five weeks' journey. She doubts Sagittarius will send a new jump ship. There's nothing left on Esperance to pay for a grand rescue. Hyperspace fuel is expensive. Another ten weeks, and they'll be gone.

She takes in the bright, hopeful eyes of Sally, Matt, and Ben and decides against sharing her knowledge.

With a happy smile, Sally rummages through her bag and pulls out her drawings, leaving through them, handing one to the stranger.

"Here, my best. We're all on it, see? Roxy, Ben, Matt, and me. To show them we're waiting."

"Thanks, girlie. Nice drawing."

He awkwardly folds the picture and pushes it into his belt pocket. Then he clears his throat.

"Goodbye, then."

The children run to shake his hand, Sally even hugs him, slim limbs in stark contrast with his dusty suit. Roxy stands, silent, swallowing dark thoughts. The stranger avoids her glance. He brought them the semblance of hope. But they both know he can't give them a future.

Roxy watches him shoulder his pack and turn to leave. Well, he could have robbed them. Or worse.


Four pairs of eyes follow as the suited man descends the slope, climbs into his ship, and takes off.

One moment, the sleek craft paints a sharp silhouette against the reddish glow of the dying sun, the next it's gone.

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