Chapter two - no! my food...

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Rein POV
It's lunchtime now, I have at least ten new bruises, plus a huge one on my back now, everyone is super pissy today. I got four new bullies as well, I guess everyone was in the mood for a punching bag.

Aren't I popular today? Hah! That's a joke, I swear. I also ran into that alpha from earlier again, I mean actually ran into him. It didn't go down very good, could have been worse though. I still can't stop thinking about what he said. . I wish I would have gave him a black eye instead..

~flash back to when Rein ran into the alpha~

I hold my side as I go down the hallway in pain, I'm not really paying attention and someone knocks into me knocking me onto the ground. I would apologize if I was anywhere but school. Mostly cause the person most likely did it on purpose. I look up to see the alpha I tried to fight at the beginning of the day, well fuck. This is going to be fun, sarcasm. 😒.

I should learn his name actually so I can just know who I'm avoiding, I'm staring at him slightly, he might care and get kissed but I don't really care... He looks down with a glare then his eyes soften and I get up, a little confused by his reaction.

I will be honest, he is hot.. If I was any other omega I'd apologize then flirt with him but no way in hell am I doing that.. I would never! "Watch it, it could have been someone who wants to hurt you" he says and I glare "what about you? you knocked into me Just as much as I knocked into you" I say and he shakes his head "not my fault you're weak" he says and I lose control of my body.

I have pains all over my body but it goes away the moment he says that, I feel my eyes light up and I growl darkly, I show my fangs and attack "I'm not weak!!" I yell and punch him hard in the face and I hear a crack. I can't feel anything cause I'm so mad, I'm silently hoping it's not my hand.

Well that's either my hand.. or his nose.. Please be his nose!!

He holds his nose, yes! Thank you sweet moon goddess!! ! At least it's not my hand, wait. Fuck I punched a alpha and broke his nose, he looks at me and growl showing his teeth, Damn it.. my eyes go back to normal, he grabs my shirt and shoves me against a locker, I gasp and wince from the pain, my bruises sting at the rough contact, the lock on the locker leaves a huge bruise on my back, I'm certain it's a bad bruise and I haven't even seen it yet. I growl with tears brimming in my eyes but I won't let them fall.

All of the pain in my body is now hitting me all at once but I won't cry, not in front of this guy. He looks in my eyes and his eyes start glowing one bright green and the other bright gold, I bite my lip knowing his wolf can do a lot of damage to me, I may have broke his nose but if he's pissed he can kill me with just a small tap.

He let's put a dangerous growl and I feel a shiver go down my spine "What is wrong with you!? Isn't your wolf screaming at you!!?? Isn't he scared!?" he shouts and I shove him off me, or at least try to but he doesn't move "I don't have a wolf!!" I shout and he freezes and his eyes turn back to normal, his grip on my shirt loosens.

I take my chance and get away "why do you think everyone hates me so much?? I am the freak omega who can't shift because he doesn't have a wolf!!" I shout and he turns and looks at me "or they are just jealous of how good your scent smells" he says and I freeze.

I can't smell anyone's scent, it's one of the things I can't do because of my wolf being 'none active'. He moves closer and puts his hand on my cheek and I feel a weird tingle "maybe they see how you look and get so jealous that you aren't theirs" he whispers and the tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks.

I move away from him quickly "I can't believe this! don't act like I'm weak and need the approval of a alpha, I'm not a fucking sex toy you can play around with, I hate you!" I shout and the alpha in front of me goes quiet, he's like frozen in place, he looks heartbroken and for some reason it hurts my heart to see that look on his face, I won't show any more emotions like this in front of this stupid alpha! I hate this anger I'm feeling "don't touch me again unless you want to fight!!" I shout angrily and run off going to the bathroom. Well I kinda run, my body hurts like hell so I can't exactly run.

How dare he try to put that alpha charm on me!!! I am not a slut who wants any dick I can get! I am actually straight! I wont be mad if my mates a male but I'm hoping for a female. I am silently hoping to not get a alpha now, I don't want to be a toy...

I wipe the tears from my eyes and hurry into the bathroom.

~end of flash back~

So yeah... I broke an Alphas nose.. But no one should ever joke the way he did.. It kind of hurt my feelings to be lied to like that.. Is it normal for alphas to be so cruel to an omega?.. maybe he is just that way to me, he probably hates me cause I'm wolf-less, I sigh and walk to the lunchroom, I am kind of limping cause my body can't handle all of the abuse it's been given today.

I go and get my food, I am so hungry, I didn't eat breakfast cause I was almost late for school. I honestly happily love lunch, it's the only hour that I actually like! I walk through the hallway on my way to the tables outside, someone shoves into me and my food falls on the floor. No!!😭🍕💔

I look at my now dirty food, I was so hungry, the person who knocked into me is a beta, I can just tell. He laughs "you needed to lose weight anyway" he says and I growl, he slaps me. I've hit one person today, one more won't hurt. I, without another word, punch him hard in the jaw. It's not as hard as I punched the alpha but I break three of his teeth.

I normally never hit anyone back but today I'm just in a bad mood and the slightest things are bothering me "I can take a slap. Some omegas can't, if you ever hit someone like that for growling at you when you knock down their food and insult them then next time I won't just knock out a few teeth, understood?" I ask glaring, he whimpers and puts his hand over his mouth and runs off. He will probably get his friends to beat me up later. I lean down and pick up my food, maybe I can ask the lunch ladies for some food since mine fell..

I don't think they like me either though...

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