Chapter One: Lance

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When Lance heard about soulmates he was 7 years old after feeling an unexplained pain in his right arm. Even though that pain hurt, he felt so happy to know he could help someone that shares a special bond with him. But how far will Lance go in order to help his soulmate.

Keith just turned 7 when he heard about soulmates, and he thought it was crap. Plus he didn't want someone taking his pain. But mostly he doesn't feel worthy to have a soulmate. How far will Keith go in order to get rid of his soulmate.

Lance walked in his kitchen to see his momma making dinner. There was this horrible pain in his right arm that came out of no were. When he told his momma all she could do was laugh.

"What? Why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm sorry. Its just... I was surprised. Come. Sit down. We have to talk about something that is called soulmates." Lances momma said firmly but softly. "A soulmate is someone you have a deep connection with. Someone who feels all of your emotions and pain. You have a soulmate and you can take there pain away and they can take yours away as well. Sometimes you fall in love with them others you keep as a friend that you love."

"Wow!" Lance said excitedly. "So is papa your soulmate then?"

Lances momma gave him a firm look. "No my child, your papa is not my soulmate. Instead it is my best friend, your auntie Flare."

"Oh." Lance said awkwardly.

Lance knew he didn't want his soulmate to suffer any pain, so he made a choice in taking all of his soul mates pain.

A few weeks later

Lance started getting bumps, bruises, and scratches all over himself from his soulmate. Even though they hurt, Lance would not stop. When his momma notice them she yelled at him for being to clumsy since he told her they were from playing outside with his siblings and cousions.

3 years later

In the past 3 years Lance is now 10, him and his family had to move away from Cuba and into America since his papa got a raise that involved moving. Although Lance hated being away from his home and his friends he still supported his papa for his decision. However Lance became homesick, alone, and at the same time he was still taking all his soulmates pain. Lance felt how sad his soulmate was and how people would bully them. But he never felt what it was like to get the pain taken away.

That made Lance even more sad since he got bullied a lot at school for looking different and not being able to speak English right yet. The bullies got worse when they found out Lance had a soulmate, a soulmate who doesn't take his pain away. They laughed and tested him by adding other cuts and bruises to make sure there thoery was right.

One day a special Ed teacher came to Lances class to talk about soulmates.

"Alright class, does anyone have any questions?"

"What does it feel like to get the pain taken away?" One of Lances bully asked.

"It feels like you are being cleansed on the inside." One boy said.

"It gives you a nice relief knowing that someone cares enough to help the pain." A girl said.

That's when all the kids looked at Lance knowing he has never felt that.

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