The party

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AN - not written by me
The Party

She was beautiful, tall for a female for she was around six feet; with the most gorgeous pair of legs he had ever seen. Her hair was long enough to cover her breasts and tickle the bottom of her rib cage with the ends of it; her hair was thick, glossy, and the color of milk chocolate. God how he wanted to run his fingers through it and feel it brush against his skin like a blanket of the finest silk. Yet, as beautiful as her body was, it was her eyes that captured, and held, him. They were a deep forest green with a dark ring of gray around the pupils. They were eyes that boldly met his own baby blue gaze from across the room. He smiled at her and she flashed him back that slow, seductive, smile he had see her flash only a few close, male, friends. Her smile got his mind on to a more, shall we say, improper track.

She was wearing one of those short, mid thigh length, skirts that made her legs look like they stretched for miles. He wondered what those legs would feel like wrapped around his waist as he drove into her. Along with the skirt was a flaming red halter-top covered by a button down, black silk, long sleeved shirt that seemed to add to the sensuous shape of her body instead of hiding it. A silver ribbon with a butterfly charm clung to her smooth neck, a neck he imagined arched back in pleasure. Besides a pair of simple diamond studs in her ears that was all she wore by way of accessories. No doubt Jessica Bryant was very tasty looking.

God he wanted her.

God she wanted him.

He was everything she dreamed of in a guy, look wise anyway. Taller than her by at least five inches, give or take, thick hair that almost reached his shoulders, and a pair of eyes any girl could just drown in. But his body...mmmm. He was muscular, lean muscle not the bulky Vin Diesel type muscle, in a way that made every girl just wish they could run their hands over him. He was tan and clean-shaven, she liked that. She also liked how he was looking at her, like he just wanted to eat her up. When he looked at her and smiled, flashing his dimples, she just had to smile back.

What she liked best about him tonight was how he wore his clothing, how he looked in them. He had on a pair of dark slacks, cotton maybe, with the same black shirt that everyone else was wearing but he wore nothing under it. She could tell that he had nothing under it because the top five buttons were undone and all she could see was skin. Connor McGregor was by far the sexiest man in the room filled with their co-workers; the boss was throwing a party to celebrate a business merger of some sort-she couldn't remember.

Jessica had to rip her gaze away from the lovely piece of eye candy she had been ogling for the past ten minutes when her friend Marcy came up to her.

"I'm sorry, Jess, Miles is sick and I've got to run home. Do you think you can find a ride home?" Marcy's voice was hopeful, she hated the idea of leaving her friend but she had no other choice. Miles was Marcy's three-year-old son and meant the world to her.

"No problem, Marc, I'll call a cab or something." Jessica was leaning more towards the or something when she noticed Connor heading her way.

He reached her just as Marcy left and he gave her one of his dazzling smiles. "Ms. Bryant." He drawled as he held his hand out to her.

"Mr. McGregor. " She purred right back to him while slipping her hand into his. She was impressed when he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

"I see you have lost your ride home." He held her hand a while longer, dropping it only after he had finished his statement. When she replied with an affirmative he pounced on his chance. "If you'd like I could escort you home."

Suddenly Jessica felt like being bold. Moving closer to him she reached up and curled a lock of his hair around her index finger.

"Forgive me for being so forward," she cooed, "but I rather you take me to your place where you can devour me like you looked so ready to do a few moments ago."

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