Chapter one - Fight me

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Rein POV
Hey, I'm Rein. Before you ask, I'm the most hated person in school. Why? well, it's cause I'm a omega who can't shift into my wolf. Yep. Just because I can't turn into a huge fucking wolf, people hate me, I am constantly bullied, by everyone, I'm lucky that the only people who don't bully me are my pack and the packs Alpha and his luna.

They are a gay couple and can be very sweet and understanding. I was an orphan and was dropped off on the doorstep of the pack house when I was a baby. They took care of me since they have no children of there own, the luna of the pack is unable to produce children, he has tried but he cant.

So I became their pup when they found me, I'm happy they are the ones who chose to take care of me, I see them as my parents more then anything else.

What no one knows is, the pack will go to me and my mate when I come of age, by choice I keep it a secret, I know people would treat me different but I rather them treat me the way they want so I don't have a lot of fake people around me.

The school I go to has many people from many different packs, including a bunch of future alphas. Don't get me wrong, I want a mate just as much as the next person, BUT, I will not and I quote, I will not dress in short shorts and tease every alpha hoping my future mate sees and thinks I'm sexy. I will rather die then act like a fucking sex driven slut.

Anyway to be honest, I speak my mind, when the bullying started I kept quiet hoping if I said nothing that it would just stop, to no surprise, I was wrong and after two years of it I stopped holding my tongue and nothing has changed since, I could have been an ass from the beginning and still be where I am now.

I am told a lot of things when it comes to me and if I'll get a mate or not and to be honest, lately I have been thinking about my future mate and if he or she will reject me the moment they see me or not, I kinda hope it's no one from this school.

I'll find out tomorrow I guess.

My birthday is tomorrow and I almost don't want to come to school, I want a mate but I don't want someone who only cares about me cause of the bond, today I've been on edge feeling like someone is so close but I don't know who, it could be my mate or it could be my nerves.

If they do go to this school then they'd know by tomorrow too, my mate is going to have the same birthday as me. That's just how it is.

I really should not come to school tomorrow, i have never skipped a day, even when I'm bullied 24/7. I just hope that tomorrow I won't be paired with someone who will reject me on first glance, that's if I even show up to school tomorrow.

At the moment I just entered the school, I'm wearing black ripped jeans and a black and white band t-shirt with normal black sneakers. I will admit, I am emo, I have dark black hair and light blue eyes, I look like a emo and I am one, so why should I hide who I am? I love getting band t-shirts and wearing tight ripped jeans, so why should others care? I don't know why but trust me.. They do.

I barely make it down the hallway before I am shoved against a wall roughly, I bite my lip from the slight pain in my back "bet you got off on that huh?" One of the bullies say and I glare "go fuck yourself" I say and the male who is clearly a beta punches me in my stomach, I gasp in pain. I look at him "wow you punched a omega, feel better about yourself yet?" I ask now ignoring the pain, I know there's more to come "watch your mouth!" he yells and growls tossing me to the ground and kicking me in the stomach.

I keep myself quiet holding back a whimper from the pain. I will never show that weakness to someone like him. At least he's the only one today, normally he is with a bunch of his friends and they take turns beating the fuck out of me in the mornings.

He smirks and gives me one more hard kick to the ribs before walking off, that fucking asshole, I take a deep breath and sit up, I look around and a few people were watching, about ten, some of them never do anything to me but they let it happen without a care in the world, I know they don't like me either "I hope all of you enjoyed the show. Maybe next time we can switch places? That would be fun huh" I say loudly for everyone who was watching to hear me.

They stay quiet and I stand up, a few of the girls awkwardly look away and some pretend not to hear me, some of them walk off, I look to the side and see a alpha walk by me. There are eight alphas from eight different packs at this school, they are strong future leaders each from strong packs, I for one don't really care for them, they never bully me cause if they get caught they get in huge!!! trouble.

They do laugh and watch it happen. I look at the alpha and he avoids eye contact with me. I never provoke any of the alphas but today.. I am kinda pissed.. I won't try to start a fight, I'll try starting a conversation and you'll see why alphas make me mad "Hey" I say towards the alpha and he keeps walking "mister high and mighty alpha!" I shout this time and he stops walking and turns around looking at me.

He pisses me off.. He can't just respond to hey!? if he responded to hey I wouldn't be so rude "What?" he asks in a deep voice trying to be scary and I roll my eyes making him growl. I smirk when he growls at me, my actions make him take a step back a little bit. Most omegas shiver or whimper or maybe even submit in fear of the alpha, but not me. I am not scared of this alpha, he hasn't earned my respect.

I know I shouldn't be messing with him though, I just can't help venting my anger "I was just going to say hi, but it looks like you are so used to ignoring anyone who is weaker then you to even notice. Don't worry I wouldn't be calling for help, so you don't have to ignore me right now" I say and he steps closer growling "you just got beat up, unless you want another beating stay quiet" he says glaring getting angry "so you're threatening me?" I ask smirking and he is now looking down at me, he is around 6'4 and me standing at 5'5.

He isn't ugly but I think his ignoring skills have rubbed off on me cause I can easily ignore his looks "Got a problem with it?" he asks looking down at me, I am looking in his eyes, clearly challenging him. His eyes are both different colors and I'm getting lost in them, one is green and the other is gold. I regain my own mind and nod "yes. don't threaten me, if you say it then do it" I say growling.

He looks at me like he just snapped out of a trance, he shakes his head a few times regaining himself, somethings off right now but I don't know what. "you aren't worth my energy" he says and I glare as he steps away from me, I growl quietly "I never am huh?" I mumble.

The moment he is a good foot away from me I smirk, he looks me in the eyes, I look to the side and I see four of my normal bullies, just perfect, I look back at the alpha "then you just gave up your turn taking a hit at me" I whisper and hurt flashes in his amazing eyes and I am completely confused. He shakes his head and checks me out before walking off.

A part of me wants him to come back..

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