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I can't believe this I was being thrown out of my own house. I already knew this was going to happen sooner or later but this is the worst possible time, my friends left the country and aren't returning for another month, whom do I go to?

I hear my bags being thrown out into the rain and I snap out of my thoughts.

"I don't want to see your face again!" my mother yelled at me, she took a bundle of my hair and pulled me out of the house. My head really hurt after that, I can feel the throbbing. That was the end of it all, I am now officially homeless. I immediately get soaked by the rain. I swear I'm actually lucky that my mom actually packed my stuff in our plastic made suitcase or else all my stuff would get soaked like me.

As I reached the third block from our house I spotted a cab, then I remembered that I haven't any money with me so I continue walking. I don't know how long I've walked now but my feet were aching and thank the Lord that I spot a fast food restaurant on the other side of the street. As I cross the street I almost get run over by a car. The driver of the vehicle starts to parallel park and I decide to get in the restaurant. The smell of the food empowers me and I realised that I haven't eaten all day.

Everyone turns their head to me, I looked at myself and I remember I was soaking wet. Immediately I head for the washroom.

Seeing myself in the mirror made me feel sorry for myself, I was broke and homeless with no one to turn to. I lock the door and open my suitcase to get a towel and some dry clothes. When I open it I see that my mom just threw all my stuff in there. I open a stall and change.

As I open the door I hit something.

"Oww!" somebody screamed, well I know now it isn't a something but a someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I said.

I close the door and there stood a guy a few inches taller than me, he looked around twenty. He was staring at me.

"Your the girl I almost ran over! I'm so sorry, I probably deserved getting hit by the door." he said

"It's no problem! I didn't get ran over anyways. Now I you'll excuse me I have to go find a place to stay and maybe a job." I said

"You're going now? Aren't you hungry?" he replied concerned

"I'm so sorry but I have to and I haven't any money." I said

"That's fine, I'll treat you!" he said

"Are you sure that's fine with you?" I asked

"I'm sure and I bet my friends would love to meet you!" he said

"Oh! your friends are coming? I don't want to interrupt anything that's happening or what not." I replied

"I insist." he said

"Are you a hundred percent sure?" I asked

"I'm a hundred an ten percent sure!" he replied

"Okay, but what ever happens its going to be your fault." I said

We get in the nearest empty booth and ordered something to eat.

"I'm Louis by the way, Louis Tomlinson"

he tried starting a conversation

"I'm Angel Dela Merced." I replied

"So Angel tell me a bit about yourself." he asked.

Can I trust him? Should I just spill my whole life story to him? Will he even care?

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