After School

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Currently, you were in math class- which was good and bad,
Bad: It was math class,
Good: It was the end of the day. And after school you and the guys; Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Frank, all head out to the shitty skatepark that nobody uses anymore.
The skatepark in your opinion; was beautiful, it was old- the trees and bushes all overgrown...An old stream was nearby-that when you were bored watching the guys mess around you would go walk around in, but the ramps themselves were im good condition...
"MS. (Y/N)?!"
You snapped out of your staring-out-the-window state, when your Math teacher Mrs. Hallen, an old, ugly, witch of a woman (who really needed to stop wearing pencil skirts and v-neck blouses) appeared in front of your desk with a scowl on her face. "Yes Mrs. H?" "It's Mrs. Hallen. And you will address me as so young lady, NOW PAY ATTENTION!!" As she walked away to the front of the classroom you heard somebody laugh behind you, turning around you frowned at Mikey.
You and him were in the same grade: 11th. While Gerard, Ray and Frank were all seniors.
"Shut up Mikes! your gonna get me in trouble again.." He broke his poker-face and smiled a little. "Ah lighten up (Y/N), Hey you goin' to the park again?" You Held up a 'Thumbs Up' and turned back around, staring at the clock for the bell to ring.
In all honesty- you were just anxious to see Ray. You've had the biggest crush on him since the very start of high-school. And Mikey knew too, he constantly teased you, but at the same time he thought you two would be cute together, so he participated in the little pranks you would pull on Ray; everything from straightening his hair in his sleep, to stealing his curl-activator spray. (That Ray has told almost nobody that he uses)
For the rest of class, Mikey proceeded to sing very silently-just so you could hear- ' (Y/N) and Ray, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G '
~~~~After class~~~~~~~~
Rushing out of class you ignored Mikeys calls to wait up and started running straight to your locker, you wanted to grab all your stuff and run to the bathroom, and make yourself look presentable for Ray. After saying 'Hi' to everybody you passed on your way to your locker you finally made it. You opened up your locker and grabbed the (F/C) bookbag. Just in time for your locker to be slammed shut by none other than Gracie Whitehead. AKA: The biggest bitch in the whole school. you got along with pretty much EVERYBODY in school- even teachers, and most cheerleaders and jocks.
But yeah, everybody except her and her little posse.
"Hey Bitch" You smiled and looked at her, "Hey Whitehead!!, OH! wait- it's Gracie! my bad, I couldn't see you there" Gracie's eye twitched an she got in your face.
"Listen, I know you and Frank put all those Medicine bottles in Travs locker, they spilled out, he got in trouble and now he's expelled." "Gracie, I had nothing to do with that, everybody knows he fucking does roids and all kinds of other shit. Not my fault that he got caught."
You emphasized the I, because you knew exactly who it indeed did it. Frank of course.
Gracie growled and raised her hand to you. But the hit never came, looking up you saw a curly haired, tall, heartthrob holding her hand away from your face. "Gracie, what the fuck?!" Ray a face was the image of anger and you had never seen him like that before. You put your hand on his shoulder. "Ray, it's OK..." he seemed to relax at your touch and he let go of Gracie's hand. Gracie glared at you and walked away. Leaving you, Ray, and a circle of people you hadn't even noticed had gathered around you. Ray grabbed your wrist and pulled you through the crowd, eventually making it outside to see Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Maleah.
(Maleah was Franks' girlfriend, who you we're also very close to. She and Mikey were the only people who knew about your crush on Ray....)
(Authors Note. Maleah is actually like my best irl friend, who is obsessed with FrankXD so i put her in this fanfic, she should be reading this right now XP LOVE YA BABE XD)
"(Y/N)!!!! BABE I MISSED YAH!" you were tackled to the ground by a 5-foot midget with black hair. "Frank, Darling. of me!! your faaaat!" Frank pouted and crawled off of you, letting you regain your breath. You looked up over at Ray, who was smiling down at you. "Stop smiling and help me up!!" He held out his hand and you took it, both your faces going a slight shade of pink. Once you were back on your feet you looked over at Maleah, who was smiling at you two. Running over to her and the guys you spoke up.
"Maleah, you goin' to the skatepark today?" she frowned and shook her head. "Can't, i'm re-dying my hair once I'm back home" she said, pointing to her brown roots. You frowned as her mom pulled up in their car, waving to her goodbye everybody started to pile into Gerards(shitty)Car.
~~~~~At The Skatepark~~~
"SHIT- GOD FUCKING DAMMNIT!!!!!" Frank yelled, as he failed (again) trying to do a kick-flip. Gerard looked over at him. "Do you really want a re-peat of the broken ankles again Frankie?" Frank gave Gerard the birdie and went right back to skating.
You, Gerard, and Mikey were all sitting on the top of the five (Its a type of ramp) staying as far away as you could from Frank. while Mikey and Gerard were talking about songs for the band, You were MCRs biggest fan, and they never showed anyone a song before they did you. But you weren't paying attention, you were to busy staring at Ray trying to teach Frankie how to pull off a kick-flip.
"Ray. Fuck this. I'm gonna try to go down the five." Ray gave him a death glare.
"Well I don't think (Y/N), and the guys are gonna move. So how about you actually master one of the easiest things to do in skateboarding, BEFORE trying to go down a tall ramp?"
"It'll be fineeeee, calm down dude!" Frank replied, running over to the five and jumping up. (sliding down a couple times before making it up) You looked at Frank skeptical, "Uh, Frankie. what are you doing?! you're gonna fucking fall and break your face."
But regardless of your words Frankie went down the five...or atleast tried to, all you could see was Frankie falling and a skateboard flying towards you before passing out.
~~~bout 5 mins later~~~
Slowly blackness disolved into light, and you saw through half-open eyes: Ray and Frank fighting, with Gerard trying to call someone on the phone. And Mikey right next to you looking at what-ever injury you had.
"Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit. FRANKIE WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!"
"Ray, calm down. shes only bleeding a little, its not a deep cut. She just needs first aid once waking up." "Well what if she has a concussion?!" "She doesn't have a concussion. It's just a hit to the head with a skateboard." Mikey looked at Ray sternly, once again telling him to calm down. With your eyes finally open, you looked at Mikey in pain.
" head hurts...." "Hey guys! (Y/N)'s waking up!!" Mikey yelled. "Ahhh fuck! pleeease dont yell mikes..." Mikey scratched the back of his head. "ehh..sorry dude,"
Ray ran over to you, "(Y/N)?! are you okay?!" you gave a smile. "Yeah Ray, don't worry im fine, my head hurts like a bitch though..." Gerard hung up the phone and walked over to you all.
"(Y/N). I called your mom, told her what happened, and that you're okay- but shes not gonna be able to get home and take care of you tonight, she's working late." You frowned and tried to get up, stumbling in the process. Mikey held your arms until you were stable. You looked over at frank, who was in tears.
"AWWH! Frankie, its okay, i'm fine." Frank pulled you into a hug and kept saying how sorry he was.
"Frank, Jesus Christ. it's o-k-a-y" Ray suddenly out his hand on your shoulder.
"(Y/N), you want me to take you home?" You let go of frank, stumbling a bit on the process-to which Ray held on to you. Blushing like a tomato , you nodded yes to him.
"That would be awesome, thanks Ray" You heard Mikey snicker and wanted to turn around to slap him. But would probably fall on your face, You and Ray slowly made your way up the gravel path leading to the skatepark, and he helped you in the car.
The world wasn't even spinning anymore, and your head barely hurt- but you weren't prepared to give up the treatment Ray was giving you for anything.
After about 15 minutes of awkward silence between you two, you finally broke it.
"So...uh...thanks for what happened with Gracie earlier..." Ray smiled and shook his head. "It was no problem, you would've done the same for me (Y/N)" You smiled at him and hummed along to 'Stereo Hearts' on the Radio.
~~~~At your house~~~~
You slowly climbed out of the door and acted all wobbly so that Ray would come help you to the front door. "Hey, be carefull!" Ray held onto you protectively, and you two made it to the door. He reached for the handle and pushed open the door.

Lets keep the Skateboard Away from Frank. (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now