Entry Four

21 1 15

Amelia hadn't left her bed in weeks, plates of food and empty glasses next to her. She sighed softly than her eyes landed on the book that she had thrown at the door when she was told... she needed to write. So, with all the strength she had left: she got up, grabbed the book, and slumbed back into bed with a pen in hand.

Hey Jo...

I'm keeping this short. Alfred's being trapped in his mind by some dream thing... I wanna go help but... what could I do? I couldn't do anything to help in my current state of mind. He's my last friend and I can't lose him too...

I also forgot to mention that I got angry at myself, punched a bookcase, and it crushed Elizabeth... she's been in a coma since than... that was all my fault...


It's my birthday, today... crappy way to celebrate it. I'm seventeen now... honestly, I'm done with celebrating things... I'm done with everything...

Bye, Jo...

With that signed, Amelia threw the book back at the door and buried herself under her blankets, hidding the tears that were building up in her eyes from the world.

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