Chapter Fourteen

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Maggie skipped up over the steps, turned her key in the lock, and swung the apartment door open with a flourish. Stepping inside, she was surprised to find Tag looking back at her from the kitchen table, the trappings of his work spread out before him. A peculiar fluttery sensation arose in her chest, but she didn't pay it any mind. She was just delighted to have someone to share her good news with.

"I got the job!" she grinned, kicking off her shoes before skipping across the room to join him at the table. "And I didn't even have to mention your name until after he'd hired me!"

"Well, of course not," Tag said, pushing some papers aside and giving her his full attention. "You didn't need me to get the job; Jerry knows a good thing when he sees it."

Maggie felt a blush creep up into her cheeks and dropped her eyes from his, feeling suddenly bashful in his presence.

"Thank you," she said, fiddling with one corner of the manila folder she held in her lap. "Jerry said to come see him toward the end of next week and he'll work me into the schedule for training, but he gave me some studying to do in the meantime. Oh! And look—" Maggie held up the menu from her new place of employment. "He's using the photo you took for the cover of the new menus!"

Tag slipped the vinyl-covered booklet from her grasp and studied the front cover.

"I guess it's a good thing I took out the shitting dog, huh?"

Maggie laughed. "Definitely," she said, and then rose to stand beside him, leaning in to point out the fine print beneath the photo. "And look here, 'photo by Tag Vitale'. It's free advertising for your work!"

Tag turned his head and his eyes met with hers. Maggie was suddenly aware of how close she was standing to him, and that her breast was nearly touching his shoulder. After what seemed like an eternity, she was able to tear her gaze away and step back, releasing the breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding.

"I—" she started, but no other words were forthcoming.

Just then a door opened at the far side of the apartment and Sean came breezing down the hallway from his bedroom.

"Oh, hey, Mags," he said, rifling through the shoes he kept piled beside the door. "I didn't hear you come in. How'd the job thing go?"

"It, uh..." Maggie stammered, shooting a quick glance at Tag as he went back to his work, shuffling papers around with no apparent purpose. She moved toward her brother and held up the brew menu for the restaurant. "I start next week."

"That place?" Sean asked, slipping his feet into an old pair of Merrell boots. "Awesome! Best nachos you will ever have, hands down! Hey, think you can get me a discount?"

"Ha, ha," Maggie said, poking her brother affectionately in the ribs. "How about you take me out instead? I want to celebrate!"

"Sorry, no can do, Sis. I'm meeting Sienna in a little while, but—hey, why don't you come with us? That way you can meet her, and she can meet you. C'mon, it'll be fun." Sean grinned as if the matter had been settled, then slipped past her and headed for the kitchen. Passing by the table, he pointed a finger at Tag. "You too, Vitale. You know what they say about all work and no play."

Tag looked up from his papers, and Maggie thought for sure he would decline, but he surprised her.

"Sure," he said, shooting a quick glance in Maggie's direction. "Count me in."

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