Chapter 20

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"I'm not scared of you, Macayah," I sneer into the darkness, my face wet with tears. My voice trembled and my hands would not stop shaking but it was true.

"Oh, dear, we'll have to fix that. Won't we?" Macayah said, his voice directly behind me. I spun to find nothing at my back.

"Show your face, you coward!" I yelled, taunting him. I heard him chuckle, his menacing laugh like knives in my ears. And then, lights came on. I fell onto the floor of the cage, shielding my eyes. I had been in darkness for who knows how long and the light burned.

"Look, darling. Look at me." Macayah said. I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. Finally, my eyes didn't hurt as much and I pulled my hands away from my face.

I was in a cage, as I had known, in an empty room. Standing outside my cage was Macayah. It was the first time I had seen him. He had a long, wrinkled face and black, thin hair. He was tall and skinny and his eyes were a deep black with no white to them. Although the eyes were disturbing, the scar that cut his face right down the middle was horrifying. It was large and red and completely ruined his face.

I looked down at the floor of the cage, disgusted by him.

"What, dear, can't look? What a pity," Macayah taunted, venom in his voice. "You know, I could've helped you."

"How?" I snapped, appalled at him.

"We could have been together. I could've made you my queen." Macayah said, stepping close to the cage and peering down at me, lust shining in his eyes.

I stared back at him, completely horrified. "You actually think I would be with you?"

"It would be a wise choice, love," Macayah sneered, "You've never truly been loved, have you? Your bastard of a father raped you. And your mother? Well, she didn't stop it now, did she?"

I stood up and lunged at the cage bars. Macayah calmly stepped back. "Don't you dare talk about my family!" I hissed, clenching my teeth.

Macayah stepped close to me once more. "Such a shame that you're so damaged. Explains why Lucifer won't even touch you. Oh, well." Macayah said, turning his back and walking away.

"Oh, and darling," Macayah said, turning around to face me, "tonight is the night I destroy you. Sleep well."

Macayah walked out the door and as he did, once more, I was surrounded by cold darkness.

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