Lindsay in Danger

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They had been working on the serial case for two weeks now and still had nothing. They'd had four more victims; all had brownish hair, stab wounds to the abdomen, were in their early twenties, and had the initials L.M. The longer this case went on, the more Danny worried. He was concerned this guy would go after Lindsay and he didn't know what he would do if anything happened to her. She was his whole world, and, Danny didn't know it, but his world was about to come crashing down around him.

Lindsay was out driving alone as she had managed to slip away from the rest of the team. She knew it was stupid to be out alone, but she needed space, even if it meant Danny killing her later. She was driving along the road when her phone rang. When she answered it, the person on the other end told her that they had found another body.

"Great," she said in a sarcastic tone, "Alright, contact Danny Messer and Stella Bonesera, and wait there for me."

"Will do detective," the officer answered. She hung up her phone not knowing she was heading right into a trap. She kept driving until she got to the park where she had been told the other body had been found. She got out of the car and walked down the path. Lindsay didn't understand why there was no officer here, and no body. She was about to turn around and head back to the car and find out what sort of sick joke this was when someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her into the forest.

She tried to scream, but whoever it was kept a hand over her mouth. She struggled against her captor until she felt something sharp stuck in her arm. She knew immediately that whoever this was had drugged her. Lindsay felt her clothes being removed, felt his hands against her body. She wanted to cry out, get someone to help her, but she couldn't. She wanted Danny, her Danny, to come and stop this guy. She saw his face, his sick face; it was filled with a look of pleasure. This sick Son of a Bitch was enjoying doing this to her. He stopped what he was doing and pulled out a knife; he looked at her then plunged it once, twice, and finally a third and final time into her abdomen. She felt the pain, but couldn't scream. All she wanted to do was scream.

He ran, and all Lindsay could do was lie there and feel the blood trickling down her side. She knew she could die, but she had to stay strong. She knew Danny would find her. He would find her and they would catch the man that did this; to her and all other those women. They would catch him; she would stay alive. She had seen his face.


"Where is she?" Danny asked Flack, "She wasn't supposed to go out alone."

"I dunno man, she probably wanted time alone. She's probably been feeling kinda, you know, watched lately. I know it's for a good reason but you know how she is better than any of us." Flack told him. They were all worried about Lindsay, but they were trying to stay calm for Danny's sake. He was about to respond when an officer came into Mac's office.

"Excuse me detectives, but another body was found, alive."

"Alive? Where was the body found?" Hawkes asked.

"In a forest by the park," the officer answered him.

"Do you have an ID on the vic?" Mac asked. The officer looked down and nodded.

"What is it? What’s the vics ID?" Mac asked, growing concerned.

"It's Detective Monroe," he said, sounding apologetic.

"No," they heard a strangled whisper and looked over at Danny. He was near tears and looking at the officer, begging him to say he was only kidding around.

"Did they take her to the hospital?" Mac asked him.

"Yes, Saint Mercy hospital, it was definitely the same guy. She had stab wounds to her abdomen, and her clothes..." Flack interrupted him,

"Alright, thank you." He turned to Danny and said, "Danno, it's gonna be fine ok? We're gonna go down to that hospital now, she'll be fine." Danny nodded his head slightly and stood up. The others stood and walked out of the room. Danny and Flack were the last out of the room and Flack put his hand on Danny's shoulder and squeezed. He knew it might not be alright, but he had to tell Danny it was. He had to give Danny some hope. They walked outside, Mac, Stella, Hawkes, and Adam got into one of the work Hummers, and Flack, Angell, and Danny got into the other.


The ride to hospital was quiet; Danny stared out the window and didn't say a word the whole time. He was scared; scared he was going to lose his Lindsay, his Montana. He promised himself that he would find whoever had done this. He would find him, and kill the son of a bitch. As soon as they pulled up to the hospital, Danny got out of the car and started walking across the parking lot.

"Please let her be ok, please let her be ok," he thought all the way into the hospital. When he got to the front desk the woman asked if she could help him, but he froze. Mac told them they were looking for Lindsay Monroe and the receptionist told them she was in room 74B on the seventh floor.

"Is she awake?" Stella asked.

"You'd have to ask her doctor. There he is, over there," she pointed over their shoulders to a man looking at a chart and talking to another doctor. They walked over to him and waited until he was done talking. After what felt like forever, he turned around to face them and asked if he could help.

"Yes, you’re Lindsay Monroe's doctor?" Mac asked him.

"Monroe, Monroe, ah yes, the NYPD detective, yes I'm her doctor." he said.

"We were just wondering if she was awake yet." Adam told him.

"Yes she's awake, and completely terrified. She keeps asking for Danny, and I'm going to assume one of you is Danny." he asked them.

"That would be me," Danny said in a voice so quiet it was almost missed. The doctor nodded sympathetically and left. Mac, Stella, Adam, Danny, Flack, Angell, and Hawkes walked over to elevator and got in. They headed up to the seventh floor and went to room 74B. Angell opened the door and they walked in.

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