Chapter 3

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Soo I'm dedicating this to @noodlehead1997 for her amazingness! She is the reason I'm writing this right now! So if you like this story you better go thank her by reading her stuff and loving it! Haha seriously people she's awesome! :D

Also, if you have any suggestions for a cast I would love to hear them! I'm terrible at stuff like that!


Just because I've come to the realization that these dreams of mine are very strange, and probably mean something, does not mean I appreciate them making me so damn tired all the time. I'm a staright A student, but even since those dreams started I've been falling asleep in class and missing assignments left and right. My grades have already begun to drop! By the end of the week I'll have all B's and then it's just downhill from there! If this doesn't stop soon, I don't know what I'll do!

To keep my mind off my school crisis, I've been replaying last nights dream over and over in my head trying to make some kind of sense out of it. So far...I've got nothing. I've been going on those dream meaning websites and so far all I have are a bunch of random things that make no sense when applied to my life. So...I've got nothing. I had hoped to change that last night, but I'm not sure how much good it really did. Honestly I'm just more confused than before!


I look around to find I'm in a garden this time. As take in my new settings I notice two kids sitting on a bench not too far from where I am. I go over to say hello and maybe ask them some questions, hopefully without scaring them. When I go over and start tlking though it's like they can't hear or see me! I even wave my hand in front of them but they just continue talking, so I eventually decide to just shut up and listen.

"Geez Aaron, what are you so afraid of? I hear the little girl ask the boy next to her with a voice that sounds almost excatly like mine, and when I take a closer look, she has MY face from when I was about nine! No no no, this is just way to freaky! This couldn't possibly be me! I've never met this boy, and I've certainly never been here before!

" Hmm let me think, oh how about getting caught and having to clean the toilets for another month?" the boy, Aaron his name was, replies.

"Aww come on Aaron, nothing's going to happen!" the girl who looks like me tells him.

"Yeah that's excatly what you said last time Ann, and look what happened!" he yells at her.

So she's not me after all! She just looks and sounds exactly like I did at her age... Or this is just my brains weird way of telling me something that I can't figure out. Could you maybe be a little clearer brain? No? Okay. I'm getting a headache...

"Fine. We won't go in the tunnels. Happy now?" she askes.

"Very, thank you!" he replies thankfully.

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask for a while now. Why hasn't Damon been hanging out with us lately? He usually plays with us all the time but I haven't seen him for weeks!" she askes Aaron.

Who the heck is Damon? Also, why would a nine year old be hanging out in tunnels?

"I wish I knew that myself. He's just been busy lately I think. Father's been putting so much pressure on him since he'll be getting the crown soon." he tells her sadly.

So Damon must be the boy's brother. What was that about a crown though? Ugh so many questions!

" Well if that's the case then we should go get his mind off things for a while. Cheer him up!" she says cheerily as she runs off.

"No Ann I don't think that's such a great idea!" he yells as he runs after her.

"Oh stop worrying so much Aaron! You'll get wrinkles!" she laughs as she runs out of sight, him following closely behind.

So that was odd...


Yeah. Not exactly helpful. Due to this fact, I've set up a meeting with a dream consultant. It cost me almost fifty dollars, but who knows, maybe it'll actually shed some light on all this.


Soooo, what did you think?? Next chapter will be the dream consultant person, that I will have to do some research for. I also have a bunch of pre-work I have to do for school aside from shool actually starting. Because of this I'm not sure when the next update will be and I'm very sorry! Also, this is NOT edited so if you see any mistakes point them out because I'm kind of lazy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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