Chapter 20

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"STOP! STOP! JASON STOP!" we try to break up the fight well not fight because Jason was beating the crap out of Blake. That and considering they had over 70 pounds on us didn't make it any easier. After separating them which was very difficult, they were both standing at different parts of the room and they were trying to control Jason who was not ready to be tamed. His eyes were bloodshot red and he was breathing very heavily. He looked ready to kill while Blake looked like he was seconds away from crapping his pants.
" YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND! YOU KNEW HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT THIS WHOLE BABY SHIT. I KNEW IT WASN'T MINE AND YOU WERE THE ONE FUCKING HER BEHIND MY BACK?! FUCK YOU MAN! Jason bellows. He looked around the room as if searching for something to help him reduce the anger within. Jason took deep breaths and let his head hang, his arms on his hips.
" as for you, you are out of my like and out of my house. I never want to see you again" He doesn't lift his head but we all know who he's talking about. Jason gives everyone a glance and his lingers longer on me before he walks out. Ode storms out and Blake follows. We sit at the table in an awkward silence as we listen to Blake and Ode fight in the next room. It was loud. We could hear sobbing, lots of angry and might I say dirty words. I didn't know Ode had that kind of mouth on her. We could hear what sounded like things being thrown before it just became silent. Ode comes out with puffy red eyes and we all stare at her like we're waiting for punishment for something and we did and she announces
"we are getting a divorce and I'm moving back to my mom's place." she walks out and Chris follows her. The whole day has been so stressful. I have to talk to Jason, hopefully he's relaxed a bit by now and I know the one place he would be. I drive to his fire service and climb all the way to the top floor because thats where he comes when he wants to think or just be away. I climb up the ladder and see him sitting on the floor drinking a beer.
"hey" I whisper
He looks at me and stares but turns his eyes back to the view as I walk towards him and sit beside him. We sit in silence.
"I always knew the kid wasn't mine and I had a DNA test to prove it. I was going to confront her about it. I just hadn't gotten to that part yet. I used to sit and wonder who it was and where he is.I just didn't know she had been fucking with my best friend behind my back." He gives a bitter laugh and takes a long swing of his beer. His eyes still on the view.
"I know this is difficult but you're going to get through this" I tell him looking at his profile
"at least you didn't lie to me about my kids" he looks at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes and I feel my throat close but I have to push past that.
"don't worry Jason, I'll always be here for you no matter what" I tell him and put my had on his arm. He looks down at it then lifts his gaze to me.
He gives me a smile
"that and I nearly broke my neck climbing that ladder so I don't know how I'll get down now"
We laugh and the tension reduces a bit.
"you're amazing Mikayla. I don't know what I would've done without it okay if I visit the twins tomorrow? "
I look at him and give him a warm smile.
"yeah sure. They'd like that"
We talk as time passes but we eventually decide to get down. I didn't break my neck, Hallelujah
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I ask
"yh you will" he says with a smile and a light in his eyes.
He gives me a lingering hug and he goes right towards his home and I head left towards my apartment with a smile on my face and a weight in my heart


Thank you all for supporting me throughout my journey but then it has come to an end

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