The rest of the team

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Whippet pulled me out of the Rhino and up the stairs to the life guard tower, and at this moment if I said I was not nervous It would be the biggest lie Ive told.

I let go of Whippets hand and rubbed them in my shirt, trying to wipe away any evidence that I was shitting myself.

I walked through the doorway only to be greeted by five tanned and muscular men, who were undoubtably awaiting my arrival.

A young and if I may say so myself very good looking man stepped forward and extended his hand for me to shake, I grabbed his hand and shook.

"Hi my name is Trent Maxwell but everyone here calls me Maxi, so your the new trainee then?" he said with enthusiasm.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Emilia Morgans and I have no nickname, and yes I am the new trainee" I splurged all in one sentence. Just as I finished Maxi was pushed out of the way by a skinner older man with a beaming smile.

"Good to meet you sweetie, you can call me Harries" he finished speaking and extends a hand which I take smiling up at him.

Meeting some of the team wasn't as bad a I thought it was going to be, they were all so lovely. Along with Maxi and Harries I also met Kerrbox, Deano, and Beacon who were all so welcoming. Whippet said I would have too meet more people later when the afternoon shift starts. I suppose there is a silver lining in having to do the morning shift, you were off work form two in the afternoon and you could spend the rest of the day enjoying the sun.

I was informed for the first two weeks that my partner was whippet, that basically meant we had the same shifts, we would patrol together and stay in the tower together. I was happy about this for some reason, maybe it was because he was the first lifeguard after Hoppo that I has met.

I was also told that we would be patrolling the flags for my first shift, apparently the boys didn't want to chuck me in at the deep end but we all know that there was no safe or easy place to patrol on Bondi beach.

I put a pair of sun glasses on and looked out at the ever growing crowed forming between the flags. I spot a small Asian girl right out back of the flags and turn to Whippet.

"Little Asian girl right out the back" I point at the girl who at the moment was not struggling but could easily go in to panic when she realise she can't touch the floor.

"Yeah I see her, I'll take a paddle out there." He takes off his sunglasses and whipped off his top and my mouth fell open. God he was ripped. Just as he made it to the little girl she started to panic, Whippet picked he up out of the water and put he on his board ready to catch a wave back in.

The little girl couldn't have been older than four years old, what mother would leave a child that small to go in the sea by herself.

I was pulled out of my mental rage by whippet handing me the small crying child.

I pulled her wet body close to mine and smoothed her hair. I asked her her name, I new it was a long shot because a lot of tourist speak little to no english but the little girl understood me perfectly and said her name was Milly, maybe she wasn't a tourist.

Whippet messaged the tower to ask for a change over so we could take Milly to the tower and hopefully find her parents.

I walked up to the tower with a little shaking Milly in my arms, so much for an easy first day. I sat on a chair looking out on to the beach. Whippet put out a message about Milly on the megaphone in the tower.

In less than five minutes a young Asian woman was standing at the door crying.

"Milly, Milly dear." She held out her hands for the small child. Milly reached out for the woman calling the mum.

"Excuse me, hi my name if Emilia and I'm a lifeguard here, I just want you to understand that you cannot leave your child unattended on the beach and especially in the water, one of my colleague had to rescue little Milly here and if we weren't looking she could have died." I say calmly to the woman.

"I am so very sorry I let go of her hand for a second and she was gone, me and my husband have been looking for her for the last 40 minutes, we apologies." She hugged Milly over and over again.

"It's ok just go and enjoy the rest of your day, bye bye Milly" I wave he good bye.

"You handled that situation really well, I'm proud of you" Whippet smiles at me patting my back, I smile up at him, he was so good looking.

I grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked out at the beach, there must have been at least 20,000 people down here today, I glared at the water trying to spot people in danger. It didn't take me long at all, I grabber the radio and informed Bacon and Maxi that there were two men very far out in backpackers and they should go out for a paddle just to make sure they were ok, the boys ended up bringing them in.

Before I new it the tower was full of unfamiliar faces again, which signalled that the shift change was soon and I could be getting off, I leave Whippet to keep and eye on the water as I got make friends.

The men introduced them selfs as Chappo, Reidy, Yatesy, Mouse, Gonzo and Jesse. They were all really nice people and I could see myself getting along just fine here. The clock chimed and I was free for work duties. I think the rest of the day can be spent running and lazing around in the apartment buildings pool.

I stuff my work gear in to a bag and pulled on the cloths I had on before and tied my running shoes up.

I said goodbye to all of the boys before I set off, the same as this morning I placed my ear buds in to my ears and pressed play. Ironically Paradise by Coldplay came on, yeah ok I was a big fan.

I ran and it was Paradise, this was what I had been dreaming about in my sleep this was it, my paradise.

I reached my apartment building, I rifled through my bag looking for my keys, I could here them I just couldn't see them.

"I've got it." A man called from behind me, I turned around to look at the man and what I found took me back.

"Whippet what are you doing here, you know if you wanted to know where I lived you could have just asked" I say laughing.

"Emilia if I wanted to know where you lived I would have just asked, I actually live in this building" he said pulling out his keys and unlocked the front door and pushed it open.

"Oh right of course" I felt like such a dick, why couldn't I have just kept my mouth shut, "I guess I will see you tomorrow then" I said and made my way to my apartment.

I need a cold glass of wine, it's been a long day!!


Hi guys, thankyou for reading this chapter.

From here on out things will start getting juice, funny and awkward so please stay tuned for what's to come!!!

Also please leave me any comments they are always very welcome😃

Also please Vote and I will update very soon, thankyou agin for reading xxxxx


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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