It's Everything About You - Part 3

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It was a few weeks later, you and Harry were once again all alone in your house together. You still hadn't brought up the conversation you had with Anne about possibly getting engaged with Harry, but it was constantly going through your mind.

What if Anne was right and Harry was going to propose? Would you be ready for that? Would you want that right now? Would planning a wedding and getting married actually fit into either one of your work schedules at the moment? You honestly don't know the answer to any of these.

Many people at your and Harry's age were getting married, so it's not like the two of you are too young, but you two still have a lot to do career-wise. However, would you really consider putting your career before being with Harry and making a family with him? No, you knew that for sure.

The thing is you were now getting so worked up over something that might not even happen within the near future.

Last night, you and Harry had gone out for a nice dinner and met up with some friends after. It was quite the late night, so you were looking forward to sleeping in a little bit.

Harry had other plans though.

You were fast asleep, next to Harry. You had just turned over onto your back, something you always end up doing without even realizing it. Harry had woken up a few minutes prior and was checking his phone when he heard you. He looked over and saw you sleeping. He smiled, placing his phone back on the bedside table before turning over to face you.

One of your legs had poked out of the blanket, so Harry carefully ran his hand up and down it. You moved a bit, but you remained asleep.

"Baby," Harry whispers as he leans closer towards you.

"Hm." You mumble in your sleep.

Harry reaches under the blanket, so he can run his hand over your stomach and side.

"Baby, wake up," Harry whispers.

You pull the blanket higher up across your chest, which causes Harry to get pulled closer towards you. He smirks, leaning over you and whispering in your ear.

"Baby... it's time to get up." He whispers again.

You whine shaking your head while he laughs.

"Don't be like that." He laughs.

"Go away." You mumble trying to push him away without opening your eyes.

He laughs. "I'll leave you alone, I promise, but first I want you to open your eyes and give me a kiss." He smirks.

"Ugh fine." You groan opening your eyes and seeing him hovered over you.

"Good morning baby." He smirks.

"Morning." You say looking up at him. You lean up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "There now go away. I'm sleepy." You whine.

He laughs. "I love you too."

You groan putting your hands on his shoulders. "You're so needy in the morning."

"Psht. I'm needy all the time." He mocks.

You giggle. "True." You say.

Harry gasps. "Was that a giggle? Is that a smile? I believe someone is quite awake now." He says.

"Oh, shush." You say sticking your tongue out.

He laughs laying his head down on your chest. You smile and play with his hair a bit.

"I was going to go and make breakfast, but I like this much better." He groans.

"You would." You laugh.

Everything About You (Soundtrack Series #5)Where stories live. Discover now