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The sound of boots on the floor was the only sound in the entire corridor. Violet rushed down the hall, looking for room 104. When she finally reached the door she walked in to see her parents standing near the bed.

"I'm finally here, sorry." Violet said, rushing over to the bed and grabbing the hand of her grandfather. "Violet, he just came out of surgery so he's still asleep." Her mother said, walking to the other side of the bed from where she was standing to hug her daughter.

Violet groaned whilst hugging her mother, "I almost never leave this town and the second I do, this happens." She said, letting go of her mother and staring at her grandfather. "Honey it's just coincidence, now were your first two days at least a little bit of fun?" Her mother asked, slightly lightening the mood.

Violet nodded, a small smile appeared. She and her two best friends Mary and Jennifer had flew to the Gold Coast to celebrate they were finally on summer break. They were just sitting down at the bar during their second night when Violet had gotten the call from her mother that her grandfather was in the hospital.

Immediately everything had fallen apart. Her friends helped her back to the hotel because she was such an emotional wreck. Mary had packed up Violet's suitcase while Jennifer had booked them all the first flights back home.

So now here Violet was, twelve hours and about four gallons of tears later.

"Sweetie would you mind getting all of us something to drink from downstairs?" Violet's mother asked her, waking her up from her thoughts. Violet nodded, took the credit card her mother handed her and walked out the room.

She walked back down the long corridor and entered the elevator. Instead of it going downstairs, it went upstairs. Violet furrowed her eyebrows, pushing the 'bottom floor' button again. The doors opened revealing a mop of dyed red hair and some beautiful green eyes to accompany them.

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