The Sad story of Sarah

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Hello and welcome to the sad story of Sarah. From the title you might surmise that this is a despondent story well...I'm not the judge of that now am I. I am only the narrator of this story. It is up to you to decide if this girl named Sarah has a sad story or a happy one. Now that im done rambling lets get into the story.


        It was a hot July morning and the wind whistled through the trees. Rays of sun light peered through the leaves and cast a faint glow on the earth. No clouds disturbed the subtle blue sky, swans flew overhead. Lavender swirled around the meadow and honeysuckle danced along side the oak tree. Underneath that oak tree that stood alone in the meadow was a girl named Sarah, sarah was a young girl with red curly hair, She had freckles and bright blue eyes. While she sat under that large she sang a beautiful song . 

Her voice traveled for miles and reached a small boy. He was a curious little child and followed the sound of Sarah's voice. He ran threw a forest with redwood trees  when he reached the edge of the forest he came upon a vast meadow with wild flowers covering the ground. He jumped up and down to see over the tall grass. He turned toward the oak tree where she sat. Running as fast as his little feet could take him he ran toward her. 

"Hello." He said in a high pitched voice " My name is Christopher, what is your."

Sarah stopped singing and looked at the boy and cocked her head to the side. She stood up and circled around him." It is mean to not answer someone when they are...."

"Sarah. That is my name! ChristoPHer" She enunciated the ph in his name."How'd you find me?"

"I followed your voice. It is pretty."

"Thanks. want to play?"

"Sure lets play."

They played all day under the shade of thee oak tree till the sun went down and the little boy returned home and went to his parents and told him about his new friend Sarah. Curious about where their son met her because they knew of no meadow. So Christopher took them to the forest and lead them toward the oak tree. 

The meadow was gone and the blossoming flowers of the meadow were replaced by tombstones and the honeysuckle on the oak tree was replaced with hemlock.

"Mommy, Daddy! Where is the meadow?" He asked

"There is no meadow Christopher" They said with worry in their eyes.

Sad and curious to where his friend went he ran towards the oak tree to where Sarah was previously sitting. But there was no girl only a tombstone with the name Sarah H. Hicks.

"Chris it is almost dark we must go home." His mother insisted

"But mommy Sarah." He pointed to the tombstone. Shaking her head she picked up her son and walked back to the house. The next day Christopher's's parent put a fence up and blocked the forest.

"Christopher, Christopher Come on lets play!" Sarah called from the forest.

"I cant" he called. He peered through a little hole in the big white fence.

"Why have you shut me out?" Sarah called

"Sarah who are you? Why weren't you at the tree? What are you?"

"I'm your friend. Don't shut me out don't leave me in the dark I just want to play.""

"CHRISTOPHER! who are you talking to" His father demanded

"My friend Sarah." H said. His father gave a grave look and went back inside

When Christopher turned around Sarah was right there.

"Run Christopher Run. Come with me. I;m lonely"

"What why? Who are you? You never answered my question."

"I'm your friend. Come with me." So they ran, they ran deep into the redwood forest. They ran past the cemetery into the deepest darkest part of the forest.

"Who are you? Tell me!"

" Here eat this." She pointed toward a a plant that lay by their feet, A long green stem protrude out of the earth with several flowering white buds. "Come on they won't separate us anymore, no more fences."

"Sarah. I don't want to and if you meet mommy and daddy they wont ..."

"NO! Eat it."

"No Sarah no i do not want to ." He reached for her arm but his hand went through it. He was baffled and scared. "Why..Why cant I touch you." He slowly backed away from her with wide eyes.

"No...wait." Sarah stepped out into a patch of sunlight and the golden rays shone through her delicate little body turning her transparent. She quickly stepped back into the forest back into the shadows "She  held out her hand reaching for Chris, "Please come eat."

"Your a ghost." He ran far away he ran fast evading the shadow and Sarah and her pleading cries. He e]ran through the gate into his home and ran inside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'Couple weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Chris Chris please come play." Sarah called from the forest. She called everyday and each night but Chris did not come out to play. She gave up and went back to the oak tree and began to sing once again playing with a plant with tiny white petals. 

"My heart was stopped by you my little plant.

White petals as bright as angel wings.

Why have you taken my breath 

you pretty little plant. If i only knew what 

was going to happen I would have never eaten you

my sweet plant with white petals as bright as angel wings. 

You've taken me to my grave and I have never loved a plant

such as thee. My little plant with petals as bright as

angel wings."


Well this is the end of my story and the sad story of Sarah, What did you think? Di you like it were you a little confused well maybe this will clear a little bit up for you. The plant Sarah offered Chris and the plant her song was about is Hemlock.

Now I ask you is this a sad story? :)

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