Chapter 1- Landing in America

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Hannah's POV

"Wake up" Faith whispered into my ear.

Rolling about in my bed, I didn't want to wake up. "more sleep" I moaned.

"Well looks like we aren't going to America" She laughed.

Bouncing up out of bed, I screamed "are you serious?"

"Yes now get ready, the flights soon" Faith said walking out my room.

Faith was my big sister, she was always there for me and did anything for me.

Even though we was on a plane for 11 hours and 30 minutes, it was worth it because we was going to America. This was our first holiday by ourselves without our parents. What possibly go wrong in America?

11 hours and 30 minutes later... we landed in an Los Angeles airport, which was very busy.
Faith ordered a rental car so we could travel from place to place safely. It was starting to get dark so we headed off to a local Walmart to get some food for the night.

Faith and I were really confused that people were rushing around trying to get in there cars and out of the shops, it was only 6 o' clock.

As we get out the car we see a gang of people in creepy masks and a van , driving on motorcycles and one with a skate board.

"Do America have a different Halloween date to us?" Faith laughed and I laughed also.

We get the snacks we need and we headed off as it was starting to get dark. Driving down the road, we was starting to get slower. "Why are you driving so slow" I asked.

And the car stopped.

I get out of the car and the back tire is smoking. "Umm Faith this doesn't look good" I said panicking.

Faith comes over and looks at the tire. "The tires got an whole in it" She said stressing.

As soon as she said that, the same people from earlier was driving down with there van and motorcycles. The guy who was on the skateboard comes out and starts waving some type of long butcher knife at us.

"Faith I'm getting scared can we go?" I cried

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"Faith I'm getting scared can we go?" I cried.

"They did it" She whispered to her self.

"Faith hello" I shouted.

"Yeah lets go that way" Faith said starting to run.

We got away from the masked people, and ran into an unbusy LA centre.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned.

"This is so weird" Faith said.

Then a loud siren appeared three times, and a woman's voice appeared. "This is not a test"
(Play the video above if you want- it's so much better if you do)

"What the hell is happening?" I screamed.

"Hannah shush" Faith said putting her hand over my mouth and pointing to the massive board which was blue.

"Weapons of four class and lower have been authorised for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted" The women continued.

"What's the purge?" I questioned.

"Just listen" Faith shouted.

"Commencing at the siren, any and all crime including murder will be legal for 12 continuous hours."  The women said.

"Did she just say murder?" I cried.

"Oh this isn't good" Faith said started to panic.

"Blessed to be our New Founding Father and America, a nation reborn" The women said.

"May god be with you all" She finished.

Then loud sirens started again.

"We have to go now" Faith said dragging me away.

Thank you for reading 📖
I love the purge movies so I wanted to do a WDW version. Most of my inspiration has come from the second purge movie but maybe some ideas from the other movies will appear. I loved this idea of British people coming, I thought of so hope you enjoyed it. I know the purge has been done before and I'm not saying it's my idea just something fun to write and you to enjoy.
Tell me what you think, more chapters will be written, I think this book won't have a day yet but we'll see.

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