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James is probably my favorite topic to talk about :) He is 19.

James is the kind of person who is indifferent to most things, but if he cares about something... all hell breaks loose. He will do anything for that thing, cause or person... but especially for those in his family and circle of friends.

James typically spends his time reading, listening to his favorite 80/90's R&B, writing, or working out. Oh, and eating. James loves all things food... Usually you find him doing a combination of all the options.

James is pretty funny and likes to hang out and joke around with his friends; however, he is also the kind of person who keeps to himself while in front of people he doesn't know. (He doesn't want to scare people off with his awesomeness!)

Another thing about James is that he likes to dance. (He is going to kill me for this so... ;p your welcome) He is actually really good, though he would never admit it. James is typically very modest and doesn't think much of his talents.

James is nice to everyone and is a perfect gentleman. He loves to help people, both physically and emotionally. He is genuinely kind hearted.

To all ze ladies out there, he is taken!!!!!!! So, you can't have him, he is MINE!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, tee hee ;) jk.

Basically James is just pure perfection and a large heart wrapped inside a package of shmexy and great hair. :)

You should all love him and bow down to his greatness!!!

P.S. This is James a lot of this has been greatky exaggerated.. also side note i like to be strachted behind the ear... Alright bye everyone

P.P.S None of the things I wrote were exaggerated ;p the statement above is just James being modest as per usual ;) da silly boi

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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