Second Chances

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  • Dedicated to Everyone, all of you, with love.

"Join me in my noble quest!" Death cried, "To end all human suffering and pain!"

They murmured and joined at his feet smiling and nodding their heads.

Death smiled.

"I seek to create a world where no human suffers! Where there is no human in pain!"

The crowd began to cheer; fists were raised in the air; feet stamped.

"Pain and suffering are our constant companions," a voice cut through the noise.

"They need be so no more," Death promised.

"They teach us what is wrong, they show us what is right. They warn us of dangers and remind us of our mistakes.They mark out our follies. Pain and suffering are our teachers and guides."

The voice was insistent.

Death frowned.

"I would rather humans continue life with their pain and their suffering to teach them; to help them evolve, and become a better species and a kinder race."

Death tossed backed his head and laughed cold and hard, "Evolve? Learn? Humanity is not capable of changing. Just look around you! Have you changed? No! With each passing day you create weapons of destruction, wars continue and disease remains unconquered! Spare yourselves! Why live in pain when the solution is so simple?"

Once more Death smiled benevolently. The crowd began to murmur: some in assent; some in discord. The voice called out once more.

"Perhaps you are right, and humans truly cannot learn..."

Death smiled and nodded encouragingly.

"...But I would rather give us a chance, two chances, three, four, five. As many chances as we may need. Just because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean you should lose faith in them. Yes, we have strayed from peace; and often! But I believe in our ability to return to it. To forgive and try again. I have lived a pained life. I have suffered. I have been betrayed, insulted, beaten and wronged. Often by my own folly. Often by the folly of others. Pain and suffering never made me smile; never made me happy; never made me laugh. I found no comfort in them. Yet, they taught me. They helped me to flourish in life. I look back, and I do not find relief, or pleasure in my pain, in my suffering, but I am glad. It was life, and I lived it. I would that humanity do the same. Perhaps they will fail me once, twice... I will always give them another chance. I, too, have failed. And it is only through the chances given to me by others that I rose again and again after each failure."

Death's roar of fury could not be heard above the cheering of the jubilant crowd.

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