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Eliza had been an emotional wreck waiting for Thomas to awaken. Gally had thrown Teresa and Thomas in the Pit, believing that they were the cause of everything going wrong. Eliza was currently pacing what was left of the council room. The roof was completely gone and it reminded her with Alby's death.

Even when Newt came in to check on her, she didn't stop her pacing. She was in a trance, she lost so many friends and the Grievers destroyed everything they'd spent three years building. They would be coming back tonight to continue their destruction. No one was safe.

Newt grabbed her arms gently, ''Liz, you okay? You've been pacing for hours,''

"Alby's gone,'' Eliza started. ''Everything's been destroyed, we lost so many friends . . . what are we going to do? Those monsters are coming back tonight. We need Thomas now so he can help us get out of here. I'd rather die trying to leave then to stay here with the Grievers.''

Eliza's head hung low and she felt Newt's thumbs rub on her small arms. ''He told me to get you guys out, but I don't know how. I don't want you to be next.''

Newt's hand went to cup Eliza's cheeks and he lifted her head up. He could see the watery eyes that were forming in her hazel irises. "I won't be next. I have you, and I have no doubt you'll help save everyone.''

Eliza looked at Newt and saw in his eyes that he meant what he was saying. Eliza believed Newt because Newt would never lie to her, he was always sincere. He always knew what to say. Eliza slowly nodded at the boy.

It was just like before, and Eliza could feel herself moving in and so did Newt. Just before their lips touched, they were interrupted by a Glader barging in. The pair jumped apart and the Glader didn't look bothered at all. ''It's Thomas. Teresa thinks he's waking up.''

The pair rushed over to the pit, where Chuck and Minho were already waiting. Teresa speaking made Eliza look at her, ''Thomas,'' Teresa said.

Thomas slowly open his eyes, confused on his surroundings.

''Are you okay?" Teresa asked.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck said before Thomas could give anyone an answer.

Thomas looked around, his eyes lingering on Eliza. "What happened?"

Eliza's tone was cold when she spoke. "Gally has taken control. He said we have a choice. Either join him, or get banished with you at sundown.''

Thomas began to stand, ''And the others agreed to that?"

Teresa's face was serious when she spoke. ''Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason this is all happening.''

''Well, he's been right so far."

Minho tilted his head, ''What are you talking about?''

''This place, it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They would give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing. Every month, one after another, like clockwork.'' Thomas explained.

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