Chapter Two: Who am I?

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 Arabelle/Elisa's Prespective

I woke up amid of the most horrible dream I've ever had. I brushed my hair getting my fingers tangled in dozens of knots. It was almost intangible.

 I frowned. What's wrong with my hair? I stood up and walked to the mirror and gapped in horror at my reflection I look like Nerdy-Kid-Elisa. Three or four of them spun in front of my eyes decieving me. I put "my" glasses on unconciously and my vision was back to normal. It wasn't a hallucination after all. I touched my face and Elisa-in -the-mirror did the same.

 Oh no...I pulled my hair and yanked a wad of them out, curly hair replaced my silky straight hair. I punched my face, I felt my brain jolt out of its position. Wait!, I got a zit. My flawless skin got a big volcanic zit! I looked around it is Elisa's bedroom.

 Yesterday, I was still me in her bedroom. Now, I'm her in her freaking bedroom.

  "Get me out of her grisly body!"I shrieked as I lounged myself at the wall.

Need to study. Can't afford to be late.

 I can't help it she's conquering my mind too!

 I browsed through her clothes. Everything looks bad. Gosh! I picked out a pair of slacks and a weaven top. I put them on.

  "Nope." I groaned and  pulled it out of my head trying something else. I sigh finally giving up after trying on half of her clothes.

 I gapped at the clock. I'm an hour late. I bolted out of my room forgetting about breakfast, if i miss the school bus I'd have to walk and sweating isn't really my "thing".

 I arrived at the bus stop just in time. Who knows i can run so fast? Not to say I sweat like a grizzly pig.  Never knew there was a bus stop here in this dark alley...

 I went in the bus like a typical Milla. Being  her means to act like her, as long as this isn't permanent I can handle this. Her life is just not fun. Seriously, sweating, utterly friendless, ugly wardrobe, and not to say squatter. She's no match to me.

 Maybe even Jarred, the goth boy, has a better chance of having a toe-to-toe with me.Ii looked around spotting for him.

 Doesn't he ride the bus? Is it just me or has the whole world turn opposite?

 Everybody was staring at me as I walk in. It wasn't the adoring stare but the appalled one. I ignored them and sat beside a girl picking her nose.

  "Hi?" I muttered.

  "Uhuh..." Her finger still in her nostril. I looked away. I wanted this day to end now.

 The bus stopped by the entrance and I walked out instantly. I wonder where my friends were...

  "Hey! Forgetting something?" Somebody called from behind. That bellowing voice sounds so familiar.

 I turned around and froze. Chills went down my spine. I saw myself. I ran pass them. How can I face my own now? I couldn't believe that one day my fear finally came. I'm now a geek and my enemy is my old self. i ran to my class and sat down reluctantly on ym sit beside some kind of jock.

 He turned around. I coudn't believe my eyes it was Jarred and he looked hot. I've always make fun of him when he was a gothic introvert who couldn't talk because of some sort of throat disease. A sudden  pang of guilt filled me up.

  "Y-y-you" He stammered. The perplex look in his face seemed so questionable. Does he know I'm Arabelle the one that makes fun of him? Or is he something like Will in "The Goth and the Ghost"?

  "Yeah?" I wanted him to proceed and say something like "You're Arabelle!" but instead he remained meek and looked away.

Jarred/Vans's Perspective

 Shoot! I almost said that i thought she was dead. How did she came back alive? Does she know her real identity?

 I glared behind me at Marcus who seemed to relax enough not care. What a dumb stepbrother!

 Even though she doesn't look like herself anymore I still like her. I miss her hugging and having her play with me.

 I drifted off back to the past when she was devoted and sentimental to me as I betray her like a doughbag.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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