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Ancient Egyptians had many different religious beliefs than we do now.  Back during the ancient times they worshipped many gods and goddesses.  According to document 3, the 2 greatest gods that were worshipped were names Osiris and Isis.  Isis, the goddess, was the wife of Osiris.  The god Ra, which was the sun god, was a representative of Supreme Being.  Even though Ra was the greatest of many gods, Osiris and Isis were still much higher in ranking.  Ra was believed to be a hawk- headed man and most of the time had a solar disk on his head.  The phoenix represented the afterlife.  Since the phoenix was a bird that never died, the Egyptians saw them as the emblem to immortality.  When people died in the real world they would still move on and come back to life but in the next world, the afterlife.

                  According to document 4, Egyptians believe that Pasht, a goddess, the daughter of Osiris and Isis, had a head of a cat and a body of a young woman.  Pasht was believed to be the goddess of cats, the rising sin, the moon, and good harvests. Egyptians would worship cats because they thought that by worshipping the cats they were worshipping Pasht.

                  The pyramids in Ancient Egypt had many purposes.  According to document 5, ancient Egyptians believed in the Sphinx.  The sphinxes would stand at the foot of pyramids.  The Sphinx is a man-headed lion that is 90 feet long and 74 feet high.  The face of the sphinx is 26 feet long and is carved out of solid rock.  The sphinx is the image of Har-ma-chu, which was a god that represented the setting sun.

                  According to document 6, the pyramids were used to keep the tomb of the mummy.  Pyramids showed peoples wealth and power.  Pyramids were a place where they worshipped the gods and pharaohs.  Temples were used to honor the gods and goddesses that the Egyptians worship.    These are the purposes of the pyramids.

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