Chapter One

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     The cold sank through his jet black boots but the color washed away as he trugged through the white but terrible snow. They had been walking for days to arrive to Russia, very close to the capital of the enormous country.

    Matthew was panting heavily alongside the German soldiers who fought for Hitler at the time and were meant to be obedient. But he was no German, more like a Canadian who was supposed to be fighting for the Allies. He didn't choose to be there. He was forced to.

     During a secret mission, Matthew got caught and was taken as a prisoner for the Germans. His skill with a sniper was recognized and that was why he was sent into a frozen battlefield as a sniper for the Germans. They even took Kumajiro into one of the tanks without him.

    Snow came falling down as their feet felt like they were on chains, melting them down into the  snow covered surface of the grow. How much longer? The soldiers all asked themselves. They were walking for days, walking alongside tanks, walking in the freezing cold. Matthew was the only person in the unit that had fought for the Allies. But he wasn't the only one who spoke English.

    Another soldier did, a blonde with mint green eyes. But he was small and his hair made him look even younger than he actually was. He didn't seem friendly at all and he only let the soldiers with the highest respect speak to him. To others, he would snap at them and tell them to run off or else he would "stick his country's peace prize up their arse."

     I bet he's from Switzerland then... Matthew thought the first time he heard the teenage boy even say that phrase. After that, he heard it quite frequently.

    They were about to pass through a forest with very thin trees but then unit had stopped for the first time in hours until the Lieutenant spoke, "We have reached battle grounds! All of you, quickly take ground for yourselves! The enemy will be approaching very soon!"

     Many soldiers started to run towards the forest which appeared that it went on for miles. Matthew soon followed, running off into the higher grounds where there were rocks covered in snow and trees made it hard for him to be seen. He ducked down and lied on his stomach, pulling his sniper out and into position where he looked for his unit down below.

     Where are they?

    He moved the scope around, soon spotting them behind rocks and tree, scattered everywhere. He scanned around for any sight of Russians, promising himself he wouldn't kill one. He would shoot some trees on purpose to try and show his Lieutenant he was "trying" so they wouldn't kill him when returning.

    The snow falling began to fall and blow harder, making the snow on the tree above him let the snow on it fall straight on top of him, his face and back covered in it. He wiped his eyes so he could see and looked through the scope again, no sight of any Russians at all. He couldn't see much anyways since he was too low to the ground.

    Matthew climbed up the side of a small mountain and settled down again, looking through the scope once more. The wind fastened and was so strong it made things fall from the trees, one of them scraping him other eye.

    "Ah..." He hissed in pain, "Merde!" He brought his other hand to his now damaged eye, it burning and stinging completely, making it hard to see through his scoping eye. The wind continued to howl and hiss like he almost was. He found feel more snow hit him and some even felt like hail of how cold and hard it was.

    Is this a blizzard?

    He shook his head, wanting the thought of a blizzard in this situation a disaster. He stayed living down for a moment when the sound of bullets being shit came from a distance from below him. I have to go get some protection...

    That was when a thought hit his head hard, or it was hail that hit him. He didn't know which way was which. His eyes were blinded and he couldn't tell which way was to a safe place. Downhill was where the battle was happening, uphill was more path to follow, he didn't know anything about up there.

     He picked up his sniper and put it on his back as he put his arms out and tried to feel for the rock mountain that would be his guide.

     Uphill would be better than being shot in the head by an ally.

    He walked uphill, keeping a hand on the frozen rocks, leaning his body against it as the wind only blew more ferociously against his body, making his ears sting at the feeling.

    While he walked carefully, he tried to open his eyes, only blinking slightly but not having enough strength to open his eyes wide.

   The snow made it difficult against his face but even when he did open his eyes slightly, he couldn't see anything because of how fast and how thick the snow was. He needed shelter and fast.

     That was when the rock wall he supported his body on wasn't in his feeling anymore. There were no more rocks. There was no more walls. His heart stopped when he felt his body fall where the mountain was supposed to be.

    He was going to die.

    He was going to fall off a mountain.

  He didn't know how high he was. He didn't know where he was. He just knew he wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Kumajiro, or Alfred, or Arthur, or Francis...

   He stopped thinking when his body hit a hard ground so fast.

   Was he not so high anyways?

   Matthew felt all over his body, trying to open his eyes slightly. He was alive. Or in Heaven. But he liked to think he was alive. He lied on his back and sighed in relief his life didn't end just yet.

    To be continued...





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