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Sunday morning came. This means that the first week on our two months vacation as a student, already ended. 

And yep, I spent that whole week indoors. Not going out if it's not necessary.

Lying on my stomach, burying my face on my pillow not planning on opening my eyes anytime soon. When I felt someone poking my shoulders from behind. I don't have to take a look to know who it was.

"Dad, what you want?"

I mumbled through my pillow.

"Just want to remind you that we'll be going to your ant Tony's house tonight for dinner. You know that it's her birthday right?"

Oh yeah right. I totally forgot about this one day that ruins my vacation every year. The only thing good about my aunts dinner/birthday party is the food. Also just thinking of being in one place with not just only my aunt but with my cousins and grand parents is already irritating. But I just can't refuse to come.

I sat up on my bed and now cam face to face with my dad.

"We'll be leaving at 5 in the afternoon" after saying that, he got up and made his way to the door.
Then I just remembered that I'm dying to ask dad for some money so I can buy myself a new jeans.  The reason that I want to is because my other jeans are all looking so old and worn out as I've been using them in school although out this whole school year.

I will use my aunts birthday as an additional reason to my dad so he'll give me some cash for the new jeans. Snapping out of my thoughts, I rushed downstairs and spotted mom and dad both sitting on our kitchen eating breakfast. I went straight and sat beside my dad.

"Hi, dad! Good morning" I said with an additional amount of enthusiasm.

Dad just looked at me and nodded as a response.

After a few minutes of us being silent my dad finally spoke.

"What's with the sudden spike in your energy son? Just a few moments earlier you look like you want to be left alone in your room and sleep all day......"

" Don't tell me that your excited about your aunts birthday?" He added with a puzzled look on his face.

" O no no no dad, I'll never ever be excited about aunt Tony's birthday. " I said in defense.

" So what is it?"

"Dad, I really really want to buy a new pair of jeans. I just want to look presentable tonight for the dinner. "

After my little speech my mother spoke.

" I think our son only wants to go to the mall and hunt for some cute boys there"

"Mom! No!" I yelled.

" It's alright Hun, Remember what I said to you last Friday night, ok ? I mean, it will be much easier to hunt for boys at night and hook up with them but if going to the mall in broad day light is your way of getting de verginized then by all means go ahead."

She said all that without even looking at me as she's so focused on her coffee and food. This woman!

" No mom! I'll not hunt for boys at the mall. I'll be there just for the jeans. So dad, hmm is it ok?"

Dad lifted his mug, then took a big gulp of his coffee before replying to my question.

"Yes, Just approach me before heading to the mall later so I can give you the money."

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