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n – 8:01pm
i think my neighbor is an alien.

you – 8:01pm
what? why?

n – 8:04pm
so, my parents and i went over for dinner at his house yesterday night.

n – 8:04pm
and this was the first time i saw him up close

you – 8:05pm
was he that ugly?

n – 8:05pm
oh my god, no! can you please let me finish?

you – 8:06pm
okay, go on

n – 8:08pm
let's start with his features: his eyes are unusually big and they have such a... weird color. i've never seen that color before. his nose was also very big. and his forehead... at least 13 centimeters long.

you – 8:09pm

n – 8:10pm
about 5 inches

you – 8:10pm
okay, sorry for interrupting you.

n – 8:11pm
it's okay. either way, his fingers were so long! like, i have a friend with pretty fucking big fingers but his were even longer-

n – 8:13pm
now, i have been doing some research. one of the signs are that aliens can be obsessed with Egyptian Hieroglyphics. literally, his house was like a museum on the inside. pictures of the pyramids at Giza. even plates with paintings of those exact pyramids. he even wore a FUCKING T-SHIRT WITH THE FUCKING PYRAMIDS.

you – 8:16pm
what if he just likes ancient Egyptian culture?

n – 8:17pm
shut up and listen to my theories

you – 8:17pm
damn, sorry n

n – 8:21pm
he literally wouldn't stop asking questions about me and my family and our history- AND MY MOM LITERALLY TOLD HIM EVERYTHING. we also had to tell him everything we knew about the earth

n – 8:21pm
but when WE asked HIM about his family or why he wanted to know so many things about 🌏, he suddenly had to check on the food

you – 8:23pm
maybe he had a difficult childhood?

n – 8:26pm
ugh, you don't understand

n – 8:26pm
the thing is, i looked some signs up on the internet and my facts match the signs!!!!!!!!!!!!

you – 8:29pm
n, maybe you're just high

n – 8:29pm
you're frustrating me

you – 8:31pm
i'm sorry, i just don't believe in aliens

n – 8:34pm
read 8:34pm

well... that was a weird chapter.
i hope you guys enjoyed this longer one! thank you so much for reading and voting. it means a lot.

- britt

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