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Camila's POV
Jack, Mila, and I were on our way to the house for the surprise that Kj, Lili, Cole, and Madelaine has for us. Jack & I were nervous about the surprise but we hope it's a good one. Right about now we were 5 minutes away from our house and I had to call Lili we were almost there.

Phone call between Lili & Cami

Hey Lil we're 5 mins away
from the house

Hey Cam and okay
just remember to walk
inside your house love!

On it bye babe!
Jack's POV
Cami, Mila, and I just got to the house and we were so nervous because we didn't know what to expect but we know that our friends probably did an amazing job on the surprise. Before we went inside our house I gave Cami a quick peck on the lips and then I gave a kiss to Mila. Right when we walked inside the house all of our friends and family popped up from where they were hiding and shouting SURPRISE!! I can't believe Lili, Cole, Madelaine, and Kj threw Cami & I a baby shower. Then I gave hugs to all of our friends and family and I said thank you to Kj, Madelaine, Lili, and Cole for giving us an amazing baby shower for our new baby boy on the way.

Camila's POV
5 minutes after the phone call I had with Lili we just got to the house and to be honest Jack & I were so nervous but we knew that Kj, Cole, Madelaine, and Lili did a pretty good job on the surprise. Right before the three of us went inside the house Jack gave me a quick peck on the lips and then I saw him give a kiss to Mila. Once we went inside our house all our friends and family came out from where they were hiding and shouted "SURPRISE!!". I was so happy to see that my best friends threw Jack and I a baby shower it was the best thing they can do for me. After I saw Jack hugging all our friends and family a hug I starting giving hugs to Cole, Lili, Kj, and Madelaine and said thank you to them for throwing amazing baby shower for Jack & I.

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