An Unexpected Encounter

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"Biance, can you come to the living room?" Mom called from downstairs.

I sighed, tossing my book on the bed and hauling myself off of my beanbag chair.

"Coming," I replied, making my way down the stairs. "What is it?"

"Take this to the post office, will you?" Mom said, handing a brown package to me. Her eyes didn't leave the TV. "Details are on the post-it."

I fingered the post-it note stuck to the package. "What are you doing?"

"Friend appearing on TV," Mom replied, her eyes glued to the screen. "Can't go personally."

I looked at the TV. "What's she appearing on?"

"How I Met My Spouse," Mom said, glancing at me.

"Never seen that before.... How'd she meet him?"

"Her," Mom corrected. "Broke into my friend's house and fractured four ribs."

I gaped at her, aghast. "What?"

"Well, they're not really married - it's not legal yet - but they went through the ceremony and all."

"How did they end up together?"

"After she was released, she broke into her house again. They ended up making love."

"No way."

"They're a very cute couple. Her wife has the most adorable tattoo of a black widow spider eating it's mate."

"Can I stay to see?" I asked, because this was truly intriguing.

Mom shook her head. "That package was supposed to be mailed two days ago. But I'll record it for you."

"Alright," I conceded, and grabbed my keys from the tiny key stand beside the TV.

"Here's the money," Mom said, handing me a couple bills and refocusing on the TV. A cheesy theme song began playing from the screen.

"Welcome to How I Met My Spouse! Today..."

"Buy some salsa on your way back!" Mom called as I opened the front door.

"Okay," I said, and locked the door behind me.

I glanced at the Mom's car parked in the driveway. Then I looked up at the orange and yellow sky. I decided to walk - it was always nice at twilight.

Five minutes later, the sky started to turn dark. Ten minutes later, the air began to get very chilly.

By the time I turned onto the street the post office was on, the sky was covered in foreboding grey clouds. I began to mutter.

"Please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't - "

The sky ignored my pleas. Big droplets of wetness began falling from the sky and I broke into a sprint when the friendly raindrops became a full on downpour.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," I swore as I splashed towards the post office at turtle speed in my flip flops.

When I finally slopped into the post office, the lady took one look at me and darted into a door behind the reception desk.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked, confused. I couldn't possibly look that frightening.

The lady suddenly came bustling back out of the door armed with two rolls of paper towels.

"Dry yourself off - you'll catch your death," the nice lady said, frantically pushing them at me.

"Thanks," I said gratefully, drying my face off.

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