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Jenna was hit with an unknown yet familiar scent. She turned around but she found herself alone in the room as darkness surrounded her, only the single bulb from the door that cast an eerie glow could be seen. There was nothing, yet she felt drawn towards the door.

Despite being blood-deprived, she felt her senses heightened. She closed her eyes and tried to attune her hearing to the heartbeat, if any. She tried to find the focus on the scent. It was muddled with something... warm.

Two men suddenly burst into the door and dragged her to her feet as they hooked her chained wrist up. A fist landed on her side and heard a bone crack. She would've wheezed if she was breathing.

"You know, bloodsucker, you're one hell of a vampire, you lasted this long. But I can't wait for him to cut that pretty little neck of yours," one of the men mocked.

"Heard it will be a special one," the other said.

"Yeah? Why?"

"His girlfriend's here right now."

A fist connected to her jaw, making her spit what little blood she had. The veins in her head throbbed, as well as her fangs. The protrusions pierced her lower lip continuously as she couldn't retract them anymore.

The silver burned her wrist, skin chafed, but all she could think of was the sensation she felt moments ago. And that feeling was replaced by anxiety.

What if she was in one of the rooms, being tortured, or worse?

Jenna wasn't able to dwell on her thoughts when the lights inside the room turned on making her shut her eyes.

The door opened at the same time her eyes did and there she was.

Her other half stood there in front of her, frozen. Her brown hair was in a crown braid, creating the illusion that she was wearing a crown, especially under the light. Her storm-gray eyes darkened as their eyes met. She could see the anger in them, and she could feel the heat radiate from the woman. Her jaw clenched as well as her fists, her nose flared. She knew the woman recognized her.

But what is she doing with the leaders of the Vindicators? She's human?

"Well, glad to see you're awake, pet." She flinched at the name he used for her. It was something that... haunted her. The man turned to her brunette as he handed her his silver whip. She saw the panic in her eyes.

"No... I... I don't think I could..." Her voice was music to her ears, but she noticed how controlled it was, how she said those words in gritted teeth.

Her thoughts were cut short with the burning sensation from her chest to her stomach. A cry came unbidden from her lips and she saw how her soulmate almost jumped at the man, but she didn't. She restrained herself.

She flinched at every blow, every slash of the whip, and every profanity that the man threw at her. The brunette would gasp as the silver whip tore on her skin. But she just stood there, as if waiting for something.

And she watched tears begin to form in her eyes as she bit her lip.

But not just tears.


Her eyes widened.

"But... you're a—"

Jenna wasn't able to finish her sentence when the whip hit her in the face everything went black.


Jean's heart broke when she saw her other half hanging in a hook, a silver cuff around her wrist. She was almost naked, only wearing a pair of underwear and a bloody tattered shirt. The veins on her forehead were popping out and her fangs pierced her lips, it was clear that she hadn't had blood in a long time.

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