Attack on Dystopia

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Author's Note: I just want to clarify a few things. First, I obviously have to say that I dont own these characters, (other than my OC) and I don't own Attack on Titan...As unfortunate as that may be.

This story is an AU Attack on Titan fanfic in the perspective of an OC. Also, before you assume my title is super cheesy its suppose to show how the tables have turned and now hummanity is its own enemy. 


really hope you enjoy and I would love to hear from you, any feedback is great. ^~^ I know It needs work so be gentle with me, Okay? :3

Sometimes I look around and just think about how far everything has fallen. How dark the hearts, of the people I use to call 'heroes', have gotten. It all started after we reclaimed Wall Maria. You would think it would have changed everything for the better, but you couldn't be more wrong. A group by the name of 'Dystopia', known by the Scout Regment symbol in black in white, upside down, and a red 'X' over it. Had taken out the King and all his heirs in a single night. Throwing everyone into a panic, as a new cruel reign was on the horizon.

Dystopia took power and made their expectations very clear, anarchy was a way of life, every man for himself, and pay taxes or die. The 'taxes' went to every luxury the 'Demons' desired. (Members of Dystopia are referred to as Demons.)

The military was in ruins. The MP turned into something of henchmen of Dystopia, now called the Task Force. The Garrison as their body guards, Defence Corps. And cadets were the young men and women who were to be groomed into the perfect Demonic heirs to Dystopia. Only the top ten being allowed to apply to join Dystopia, the rest with the Task Force or Defence Corps.

No one knows who started Dystopia, or who exactly abolished the royalty; but the top leaders are more than famous. All of them are from the Scout Regiment, which was abolished after the brutal murder of commander Erwin Smith.

Their elite members are: Bertholdt Fubar, Marco Bott, Mikasa Ackerman, Krista Lenz, Sasha Braus, Petra Ral, and Eren Jäger. The Seven Deadly Sins.

Their leaders being Marco and Eren, Mikasa as Eren's shadow guard or vice president so to speak.

Just this year they Lost Erd Jin, Gunter Shultz, Annie Leonhart, Oluo Bozado, and Mike Zacharius. And no one seems to care. Demons don't value life or realize the weight in death, so not only do they never grieve the dead; but they indulge in sin. They only seem to have an interest in violence, gambling, drinking, smoking, narcotics, and sex. None the less they still kill Titans, but not the way the Scouts would have. It's just a sport, just for kicks. So if some one dies, it's no big deal...they just lost the game. It's an understatement to say members of Dystopia are sick. 


Now you're probably wondering who i am. My name is classified, but I'm called Raven on account of my black hair and deep amethyst eyes. I was once a Demon, but i found a different group that some how retained the good of the military that i use to aspire to. They are called the Retribution Unit, known by the Celtic Triskele symbol. It stands for Life, death, and the afterlife; three things they believe has value, three things setting them apart from all the rest.

Their members are often reffered to as Rebels or Furies. Although Furies are often depicted as women the message stands the same. They punish the wicked. The Demons out number them probably 1 to 1000, but none the less are a threat to the Dystopian empire. They are: Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Ymir, Reiner Braun, Levi Heichou, and Hanji Zoë. 

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