Part 7

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You have found Marth so the final gleamstone was now attached to the shield of flames.

Y/n:Alright, now everything is gonna be all right now.

You went over to retrieve the shield of flames but Darios slashed at you before you could even get to the shield of flames.

Darios:Thank you for the hard work everyone.At long last... My quest for the shield is over.

Y/n:So you were just using us just get the shield of flames.

Darios:Exactly and the shield is all mine.

Y/n:Darios, you bastard.

Lianna:Please tell me that it's not true.

Y/n:I hate to tell you Lianna, but it is.


You all ran out of the castle.

Leo:I can't believe he tricked us thus. He will pay for this act of treachery with his life.

Rowan:What do you mean he'll pay with his life, how could you say that?Darios is our friend Leo.

Y/n:Rowan, he betrayed us and stole the shield of flames, once there's a traitor we have no other choice.

Rowan:Y-you can't be serious Y/n.

Y/n:As serious as it gets.

Lianna:Come on I'm pretty sure there's something we can do.

Y/n:He betrayed us Lianna.

Lianna:He must have a good reason to do it Y/n.

Xander:What does it matter?he's gone. Darios stand against us.

Rowan:No, I won't accept that Darios isn't evil!

Lianna:We trusted him for as long as I can remember!Deep in my heart I know he would never want to betray.

Y/n:Fine I'm on your side now guys.

Caeda:All they've been through and they still trust their friend.No doubt in their mind.No power or in any other will shake their faith in him.

Robin:Truth be told told I've been there.I showed up, no earthly idea who I was... Even then, Chrom never gave up on me.

Leon:Well that's true.

Corrin:Trusting him so deeply... Is a powerful thing, if you believe in Darios, I shall too as well.




Rowan:Everyone please, we need all of if you to the this.

Lianna:Join forces with us, and let's do this together.

Everyone so agreed with you guys.

Stay tuned don't miss out.

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