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Katie woke up in a crumpled up mess of yesterday's clothes and her long, pain-in-the-ass, un-brushed hair.

Her alarm shrieked at her to get up and she pulled her phone off the corner of her large, white, L-shaped desk and checked the time.

Grudgingly, with a crick in her neck and a pain in her back, she got up and trudged over to the closet. There, in the mirror doors staring back at her was the most ugly sight she had ever seen.

It was her.

If Katie had one word to describe herself in the morning it would be zombie.

Long, matted, ginger-blonde hair, a skin colour that made you think of mash potatoes with little bits of dirt in it for her mixed-matched freckles and a weird, nose that was neither prettily pointy or cutely round but somehow right in the ugly middle. Her lips were thin and chapped, her chin was weird, she was basically a walking plank and her eyes were brown, yep brown, just about the most uninteresting eye colour ever. The only colour of eyes close to brown that anyone could make look pretty would be gold... or yellow.

Pidge melted thinking of her boyfriend's soft golden eyes, they shone like the sun. He was so perfect with his beautiful long silver hair and-

Just at that moment a loud snore came from the other room, awakening Katie from her thoughts. Allura, still asleep, of course.

Friggin' lucky, she didn't even need to get ready for school. If she just walked into school with her pink unicorn onesie and sexy bed head she would probably start a trend. By the next week even the teachers would be coming in their pyjamas.

She would be a way better match for Lotor. They would be like the power couple of the century. Both unbelievably beautiful, both unbelievably well mannered, both unbelievably popular. Well, that is, if Allura would actually be nice to him for once. Instead Lotor was stuck with Katie. Katie felt like a rock holding everyone else back, weighing them all down with her own problems and insecurities. She was nothing without her friends and most of all, without Lotor. She knew that.

Anyone else might have thought: 'wow, brilliant pep talk, me!' But not Katie. That kind of pep talk fit her perfectly.

Katie simply put her earbuds in, turned her music on shuffle and began her boring daily routine.

Boring Daily Routine
- Get dressed into something you didn't wear last night.
- Don't eat breakfast
- Brush teeth and hair
- Grab your stuff which you probably should have packed last night but you didn't
- Check your phone
- Wake up Allura

There were a lot of things other people might do in her situation that Katie didn't. The might have told people. Not Katie. They might have started something online about it. Ha, not Katie, she started a site to hook people up on. They might have even cut themselves, resorted to self harm. Not Katie.

Katie wasn't like other people. Because most people would have given up the search for her brother a long, long time ago. Most people would have moved on by now.

Not Katie. Not deep down. He had to be somewhere. And if anyone could find him. Then she would. Not she could. She would.

She looked in the mirror one more time to check how she looked. Ripped, black skinny jeans, a light green short sleeved shirt and her heavy, green hoodie—the one with the forest gradient from the bottom up—on top. She slipped on her converse, grabbed her overly heavy bag and headed into Allura's pastel, magazine-cover-perfect room to wake her up.

"Hey, Allura, time to get up!" Katie nudged her dorm mate's arm with her foot. To anyone watching right now it would be plain as day how repulsive Katie's personality was. She honestly didn't know how anyone else could ever deal with her but Allura. The silver haired girl was a blessing, truly. Sometimes Katie wondered how she came across so many of them. "Allura, we're gonna be late!" Katie shoved her a bit harder.

"Alright, alright! I'm up, I'm—" yawn "—up..." to put it simply, Allura wasn't a morning person. She hibernated like a dragon.

Groggily the should-be-model dragged herself out of her starry, pastel double bed and wandered off to the bathroom to get ready as Katie walked out to wait at the door.

In no time at all Allura came striding up to the door—super-healthy-natural-vitamin-breakfast-smoothie in one hand, pastel purse in the other, cute galaxy slung bag over her shoulder, looking as stunning as ever and ready to start the day.

Katie however was not. Not looking fabulous. Not looking coordinated. And not looking at all ready to start the day as the coco skinned queen dragged her off to school—phone in one hand and coffee in the other.

Once Pidge had finally decided to cooperate, it took them no time at all to get to campus and the little green hill with the old oak tree and the sun baked pick nick bench, its tired, brown paint flaking like orange peal as Lance jumped up and down on top of the table, embarrassing himself yet again.

As far as Katie could see from where she was, he was failing at tap dancing as Hunk and Shay sat in front of him, trying their hardest not to break down into a fit of giggles. Allura ran up to them and Shay squealed and hugged her. As Katie neared their conversation started to become more clear.

"Oh my god, Allura, it's been too long!" Shay squealed, her large hoop earrings jangling softly. Katie didn't know how she styled her hair like that, it was indescribable.

"What are you talking about? It's only been two days, Shay," Allura laughed at her friend as the girl pulled her off the ground in a massive, bone crushing hug.

"Exactly! It's been too long!"

Katie wished she could just say here forever. Watch as everyone else just went on with their lives. Never have to burden any of her amazing friends—or Lance—ever again. But of course, that's not the way the world works, and soon enough Katie was gonna have to join her friends whether she liked it or not.

Because whether she liked it or not, they still had a thing or two to teach her.

(1091 words) Sorry for the uneventful chapter, I'll do better next time! Hopefully...
Just a btw, this chapter is devoted to SmallVoltronTrash, thanks for the comment last chapter, it meant a lot!

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