The Story

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Chapter Two: The Story

“It all started a long, long while back with my great-great grandpa.” Xavier pauses then continues, “When my Great-great Grandpa was around 20 he was out wandering through the woods, he was walking on a small hill and he felt a something stab him. He screams and turns around slowly. He sees a tall man who's blade is in his chest.” He thinks for a moment as if he forgot the next part “He said he didn't feel pain. He said that it felt like someone giving him a small shot.” He hesitates “A few minutes past and he feels a change in his body. The tall man pulls the blade out of him and hes gone. My grandfather walks home, bleeding. When he gets home he realizes that the wound healed. It was late so he went to bed and the next morning he woke up. He looked in the mirror and saw a completely different person. Taller, black hair and brownish black eyes and way paler skin. He locked himself in his room that day and at night when he fell asleep, he saw the same thing you did. The hallway, the window, this place.” he says slowly “He was told what he was when he stepped out the window. He- was a demon. All the people in the place were demons.” He looks down “I'm a demon Alaska. Everyone in this place is a demon, the guy I killed tonight was a demon.”

I don't know how long I sat there taking the story in. I finally say “How are you demon than? If your grandfather was one, how did you become one?”

“It's passed down through the family. Since it was my grandfather who became one, every boy born in the family becomes one. But lets say that my grandmother was turned instead of my grandfather then every girl in my family would become one instead of the boys.”

I nod my head understanding, then it hits me like a brick wall “Does that mean I'm one?” I say breathing fast “Because I saw the hallway and the window and everything that your Grandfather saw.”

I feel a panic attack ready to happen.

He wraps his long arms around me and says, “See that's the thing.” He pauses, “If you were, you would of already started changing. You would be getting paler and your hair would start turning black.” He hesitates as if he's scared to tell me the next part, “I don't know what you are, but your definitely something. No human has ever been in the hallway.”


I wake up the next morning not knowing where I am. I sit up quickly and morning nausea overwhelms me and I close my eyes and rub my face. I open my eyes back up and they adjust to the surroundings. I realize im in Xavier's bed, in the strange world... the demon world.

I slowly get up and open his bedroom door quietly. I see Xavier laying on the couch snoring softly. I tip toe over to the bathroom trying not to wake him.

“Where are you going?”

I scream and put my hand over my heart and say while turning around “You scared the hell ou--” I see Xavier standing right behind me, inches away. Surprised I jump back onto the wall. “How'd you do that?”

“Do what?” He asks confused.

I groan, “How'd you get so close to me without me hearing you?”

“Because your too deaf to hear.” He replies back holding a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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