Prologue- Monica's discovery

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  • Dedicated to Ronnie Radke aka Sexy beast

Monica as everyone else saw her, was a normal 14 year old teenage girl. She went to school, on time everyday, had a small circle of friends and kept up respectable grades. How she managed that, still baffles her to this day, almost 5 years later. 
Me? well i am Monica, only not quite. Yeah confusing i know, you'll understand eventually but you will have to wait for the explanation, just like i did.

Let's have a bit of a backstory shall we....
Born in a small town north of london, to a deaf mother and father, one brother, one sister (both elder), Just before the turn of the century on Valentine's Day -Such Irony there- simple life.
That was until the year 2012, now as we all know, mayan prophecy stated that the world was going to end that year, and for Monica, it did. That was the year her mother died. Now although her and her mother werent particularly close, it was hard. She didnt feel the need to grieve, but the huge weight of responsibility that hit her at the moment in time triggered a few things. A bunch of repressed memories mainly, and as you would expect that led to a lot more problems. 

She coped for a while, adjusting to the fact the house was a little more quiet, having to wake herself up for school, cooking dinner for her siblings for when they came home from work. She didnt sleep much, avoided it in fact. Commonly so, she had a lot of nightmares as a child so her family was used to it, but the nightmares didnt stop anymore, there was no waking up screaming in a pool of your own sweat, she just screamed and never woke up, well it felt that way. exhausted and not being able to comprehend whether she was in the real world or not, she chose to not slumber. Instead she began taking walks, now as unsafe as it was for a 13 year old girl to wander the streets of England alone in the middle of the night, she always returned home, safe and silently.
Could say she formed a habit, so when it reached a point when she was no longer walking alone, or walking at all, she was going to parties and places many people would kill to see, she still returned home silently.

One day, on her midnight stroll, she wandered past a small group of 3 young boys, 15/16 in years, who stopped her. now before you get worried, no they did not start pestering her or gang rape her like you would stereotypically expect from a group of teenage boys, one simply asked her a question.
"Now i'm not gunna question why a pretty girl like yourself is out here alone - so ima just ask if you fancy coming with us back to his (indicated to one of the other boys), its a booze up , it will be fun... cause we got snacks (lifts up a shopping bag full of chocolate and Doritos)"
By this point of Monica's night, she stopped caring. She knew she probably shouldn't have trusted them and that they may hurt her, but she kinda wished it. An opportunity for some physical pain, to know she wasnt imagining it all, that is wasn't all in her head. So she went.

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