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Everybody, including King Darius II himself flinched at the horrible sound before the walls of the southern city of Nainak. Defiant, in the midst of an unrelenting desert, Nainak had stood for generations in the sandy tundras of the Southern portion of the world, the lands of Fire, slowly becoming a beacon of protection for the Southern Nation. Just as defiant, were it's kings, and it's people, whom had grown accustomed to the blazing sun. Yet now, the energy it bestowed upon them was not enough. No amount of fire could stop the army of walking earth, the army of the west. Living amongst the mountains, this army had been bestowed by the energy of the earth long ago. Now they had come to strike.

"Hold the Gates! Man the battlements! Activate the dragon cannons!"

It was no use, however much General Zhong ordered their troops they were too outnumbered. The king himself lifted his head, to give the order. "Silas!" he shouts, above the sound of firing trebuchets, "Bring me the Godstone." Honed, after many years in the strong sunlight, under panels of glass to create temperatures mimicking that of the sun itself, the Godstone of Nainak was a vital key. Each of the great Southern Cities were given a key that, which when combined, could open the gateway to the Weapon of Fire.

"Your grace," replies Silas, staring directly unto the kings face, the wind flowing through the tower cooling on his back, "If the Godstone were to fall into the hands of the West, they would be one step closer to opening the Gate and activating the Weapon. If we do that-"

"I know," interrupts the King. If they were able to access the Weapon of Fire, they would be able to attack the Eastern and Northern nations, and begin their conquest. For if each nation were to combine their keys, and join their weapons together, they would be given the chance to rule over the Realm of the Gods.

A passing woman stops at the foot of the King's throne, her uniform the reddish-gold of the Southern army. "Your Eminence," she says in greeting.

"General Kira," he replies, "Any news?"

Looking at her distraught face, the news cannot be good. "The Southern Gate has been captured, they have begun to push into the centre."

Despite the blazing sun outside, the temperature seems to drop a few degrees within the tower. King Darius notices Silas leaving to get the Godstone, even he has given up. Looking down, he sees his hands are shaking, and propels the energy into his fingertips, to get them to stop. A small flame ripples around his skin, calming the King.

"Once Nainak falls," he begins, "all the hope for the South will be destroyed. Even though the South has two kings, and two capital cities, Nainak is the very foundation stone for our people. The Godstone must be teleported to a safe location, far away from the walls of our city. Bring in Caron, it is time. As for you Kira, please, assemble a small force to get my wife and daughter out of the city. Queen Sala, and Princess Fortuna must be protected."

"And you?" he replies, "What about yourself?"

"I must do what is right for my people."

"Understood." Kira gives a short bow, before exiting the tower, leaving the door open for Caron and Silas on their way in.

In Silas' hands is the Godstone; a small, smooth, star shaped jewel that is the size of a pebble, and coloured like the night sky, sparkling with the various flecks of white rock in the centre. Caron opens his mouth to speak, though a great crash interrupts him. The West have broken through the front lines of Nainak's forces, and have begun to ram the castle gate.

With a heightened sense of desperation, the King turns back to Caron, his eyes quickly going over the ageing, balding, yet lighting quick old man. "Please, now, you have to send it away now. It isn't safe now, very soon they will break through the wall."

"You know," says Caron, through a slight rasp in his breath, "Once the Godstone has left the city, Nainak is destined to fall..."

"The king knows full well of the consequences of sending away the Godstone," snaps Silas, his voice echoing in silence of the now emptied tower. Another boom fills the tower, this time shaking the very dust off the roof of the tower. The king looks to Caron in desperation, "Now! They are here, they are coming."

Silas hands the Godstone to Caron. "You have to use your fire," says Caron, "only the King's fire can warm up the teleportation spell enough to send it exactly where you want it to go."

Bringing the energy back to his fingertips, King Darius sends forward another rippling flame from his fingers. Caron leans over to place the Godstone on the stone floor, and begins to chant. Underneath the stone floor, the sound of footsteps begin to carry up the winding stair case. Igniting the flame in his hands, the King roars, and propels it into the Jewel. The dark Godstone turns bright red, and the roaring sound of the flame only causes Caron to chant higher and more loudly. Behind, the door begins to shake and, as if the very ground beneath it pulses upwards, the wooden door collapses into rubble.

"Silas," commands the King, "hold them off!"

Silas brushes away at his dark hair, and grins. Calling the flame to his fingers, he charges, throwing balls of fire at the attackers. The king turns back to the stone, and accelerates his flame. The room becomes extremely hot, and the stone floor under the Godstone glows red. The roar of Silas' fire attacks are deafening, and the attackers are barely defending themselves. Slowly, the attackers draw up a stone wall from the floor, creating a barrier between the and Silas' flames. King Darius' own fire is beginning to cause the stone floor to begin melting, yet the Godstone glows bright white. Caron rocks back and forth in his chanting, which grows louder and louder each time. Suddenly, from behind, he hears a scream. Silas is on the floor, a shard of earth protruding from his back, clearly severing the spine. The attackers bring down their stony barrier, and face the king.

Caron faces the attackers and, from his palm, forms a tentacle of flame. The spell is almost finished, King Darius realises. They might just make it-

A sharp pain enters the Kings leg, and floods into all his senses. A soldier throws his arms forward, and sends a spear of rock to Caron. He can't scream, he can't react, only watch as it strikes Caron. He collapses to the floor and, to King Darius' amazement, continues to chant. The pain in his own leg is excruciating, the Godstone is shining like a star. A bright light fills the room, stopping attacker and King alike. Smoke rises from the floor, though the king knows, the Godstone has gone.

The air surrounding the king begins to warm to blazing heat, and the blood around his leg begins to smoke. 'My work is complete,' he thinks to himself bitterly, before suddenly drawing the heat forcefully towards his body. The resulting effect leads to an instant burst of heat, as the area around the king begins to implode. Before the final flame energy overwhelms his body, a sudden and terrible thought enters the king's mind.

Then, the tower explodes violently; causing ash to rain down on the fallen city of Nainak.

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