Part 7

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January 29th 2018.

The boys have been gone to VidCon for three days now.

Kat, Devyn and I had the house to ourselves since Elton and Amanda recently moved out.

"It's boring without the boys," Kat says.

Devyn nods in agreement.

"Yeah and to think they'll be leaving next month to go to the Pop Con in Florida," Devyn says.

I scrolled through to February on my phone calendar.

I was putting down all the dates they'll be gone.

"Damn," I huffed.

"What?" Kat asks.

"The day they leave for Florida, is the same day I go for the ultrasound to find out the gender," I say.

"Oh that's right, we need to have a gender reveal party," Devyn says.

Kat agrees.

"Yeah, they'll be gone for a week, which will give us enough time to get something put together," I say.

"Should we do the color in the cake? Or maybe the balloons," Devyn says.

"Maybe, I'm hungry," I say getting up.

"Put some pants on, you can grab food on the way out, let's go to the spa," Devyn says.

I groan but put joggers on.

I shut my light off as we go downstairs.

I grab a box of crackers from the cupboard as we go out.

I sit in the back of Devyn's car and eat my crackers.

The city is so pretty in the dark, with the lights.

Even though it was only six thirty, the sun had set because of winter.

Devyn pulls into the spa.

I get out and follow the girls inside.

Devyn greets then receptionist like an old friend.

"Me and Kat here will have just a regular treatment. But Sas is pregnant so she need to destress," Devyn says.

She pulls out money and pays for the treatments.

I hand Kat my phone.

A employee leads me the other way than Devyn and Kat.

"Okay, you'll need to disrobe and out on this towel," she says.

I nod and take my clothes off.

I wrap the large towel around me and wait for the next instruction.

She has me sit on a table while she turns on some soft music.


"Okay, I'm going to massage your shoulders and neck with essential oil,

and then you get into the mud bath, rinse off in the shower and then manicure and pedicure," she says.

I nod.

She pours oil on my shoulder blades and starts to massage.

So relaxing.

Before I know it she wipes the oil off.

She leads me to the mud bath.

"The mud bath detoxes the skin," she tells me.

I nod.

I get in and lay back.

"I will put the cucumber slices on your eyes and you can sit for fifteen minutes," she says.

I nod and close my eyes.

The cucumber slices are cold.

"Someone's having fun," Kat say.

I hum in delight.

I'm so relaxed.

I hear a camera shutter.

"We're sending it to Colby," Kat says.

I hum in response.

A timer goes off.

"Okay, time to rinse," the employee takes the cucumber off my eyes and helps me out if the mud.

I wrap the towel back in and she leads me to the showers.

I get in, rinse and put on a nice robe.

The employee leads me out to the main room and sits me next Kat.

"Colby said you looked adorable mama," Devyn says.

I smirk.

After we get our nails done we get back in the car and go home.

I was so relaxed that I was tired.

As I crawl into my bed, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey mama," Colby says.

"Hi cutie," I reply.

"You sound tired," he says.

I yawn in response and he chuckles.

"That's a yes," he says.

"I'm too relaxed, it's putting me right to sleep," I say.

"Yeah I'm tired to. I miss you," he says.

"I miss you to," I reply.

I get up and shut my tv off.

"Only a few more days and then we can watch a movie or something," he says.

"Sounds like a plan, it just sucks that we don't have much time in between conventions," I say.

"Yeah, but after Pop Con, I'm home to stay for awhile," he says.

"I know cutie, I just cant wait," I say.

He yawns.

I smirk.

"Me neither, oh I was thinking," he says.

"Uh oh," I giggle.

"That maybe I move into your room. I mean, yours is so much more decorated and it took a lot of work to get set up.

Why don't we just move into yours together and my room can be a nursery?" He says

"That's a good idea, I need somewhere to put the crib," I say.

"Yeah, we can talk more about it later, it's getting late," he says.

"Yes, goodnight," I say.

"Goodnight mama," he replies.

"I love you," I say.

"Love you too, bye," he say.

"Bye," I say, hanging up.

I plug my phone in and crawl into my bed.

I was excited to have Colby in the same room, and with the nursery I had plenty if time to build it.

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