My boyfriend - Jay and Jayce

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Hey guys, so i finally worked out how to repost this, now edited and added to, let me know if there's still some mistakes.

This is still just the prolouge and ill be editing the rest of the chaps and then carrying on from where I left it.

My name is Taylor and I have been with my boyfriend Jayce for roughly 5 years.  Well on and off, at the moment we are off, not that I minded, in fact I’m quite alright on my own.  All the games he was playing were getting on my last damned nerve.  I hadn’t spoke to him once since I had gone away two weeks ago, but now I’m on my travels home; on the plane freaking over about Jay tomorrow.  I didn’t know what to expect from him at school.  Perhaps I should turn my mobile on to see what he was going to be like at school; to prepare myself, would it be the loving Jayce or the player Jay?

I quickly turned my phone on silent as soon as the phone came to life so it wouldn’t wake my brother who was sleeping in the seat next to me on the plane, scrolling through my messages I winced mentally from the vulgarity of some of the messages sent by his group of skanks.  How do I get the abuse when he’s the one in the wrong?   All I did was go to Rick’s party and catch him and his ridiculous antics, yet according to the female population of St. Alan’s school he was practically a god and I was the bitch that fucked everything up.  After going through the messages from people I didn’t care about.  I braved looking at the messages from my ‘so called boyfriend,’ great... looks like I’ll be putting up with Jay for the next couple of days.  Why is it always Jay? It’s never my Jayce.    I had 12 messages from him, starting with sweet and caring heartfelt apologies, then progressing into... well into not so sweet and caring things, with the messages getting more and more abusive as I continued through them. Once I finished the last one which was dated as sent last week I realised it meant that he was playing the field, again.  I hated him when he was acted like that, he was so sweet when he was away from his mates he was my baby, but when he was with them he turns into a complete ass, like at school he treats me as if I’m his personal servant and just there to big him up in front of his boys.   I understood that he was different with them, I didn’t even care! I was used to it. I just wish that he could be my boy more often, but lately I was lucky if Jayce appeared at all.

My alarm went off at 5 o'clock and I jumped up out of bed straight away without a moment of hesitation and got dressed into my running gear; I’m what you would call a morning person.  I have to go for my morning run to function right.  I know I’m weird but can you blame me after hearing who I got out with?! Who wouldn’t need time to clear their head!  I always went for a run for a hour then I come back to have my shower and get ready for school, it never took me that long to get ready, I didn’t need to, not that I’m being conceited, I just didn’t care about how I looked.  I never bothered with my hair, it basically decided to be either completely straight or have gentle curls. Jayce said he liked it either way as long as I didn’t have it up; which was fine with me as leaving it to do what it wants was way less effort and meant I got less hassle from Jay. I didn’t bother with make up much, just a bit of mascara and I was good to go.  It didn’t take me to get dressed cause even though I had so many clothes it didn’t really make any difference what I wore and besides I’d never be allowed to pick for myself; no not for Jay’s girlfriend.  It was always put together as an outfit; jewellery included on the hanger with the clothes, to be worn exactly the way they chose.  Not that I cared but Jay decided one day I couldn’t represent him with unflattering clothes and I couldn’t be bothered with the argument, it was easier that way.  So now him and a personal shopper decided all, they came round every week and gave me new clothes already put together perfectly, down to every detail.

Today’s outfit was so tight it was practically sprayed on, this must be some sort of payback for going away; cause all of this weeks’ clothing looked like something a prostitute would wear in her down time. The outfit for today consisted of wet look leggings, did those even suit anyone?  With a pale yellow halter neck top that pushed my boobs up so far I could almost suffocate on them.  Not that the outfit looked bad it’s just a bit too much for school.  I would freeze outside.  Damn the boy’s (or more commonly referred to by me as the jerks) were gunner annoy me so much today.

 He knew full well I didn’t like showing off my body, I was self conscious about how I looked on my own with just Jayce around, let alone in front of the whole school.  I know it’s me just being silly I’m 5 foot 2 at a size 6 (UK) I don’t have anything to worry about its irrational! Jay doing this was taking it too damn far now, he knew how uncomfortable I would be!  If he wants to play the game, so be it.  Then it’s his mistake and I had just the plan to piss off Jay. Game on Jay!  Looks like it’s time for me to say bye to Jayce once and for all.

Thanks for reading. :)

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